{5:English class fright}

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Anxious. Apprehensive. Ill stomached. Panicked. Terrified.

All the emotions that were running through me once those five innocent words left Mrs. Hamlets mouth. Five words that made me want to bury myself in hole and never show my face again. My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest, loud enough that I bet the whole class was aware of its plead for help. Mrs. Hamlet stared at me for a long while, waiting for my mouth to open so that she could listen to the words that would eventually spill from my normally sealed lips. My throat was beginning to dry up, my face becoming hot as I struggled to think of when I should speak out loud.

"Mr. Horan." She encouraged, plastering a smile on her lipstick covered mouth. I guess it was now or never. I'm pretty confident that this won't be my last time speaking in this death trap titled English class. And so I began...

"Jay Gatsby was blinded by his own love for Daisy, lying just to make himself seem acceptable enough for her. He wasted his fortunes in attempt to win her over. He wanted her, questing after her although she was obviously married. His was hopeful of his dreams, being that they are only Daisy, but his dreams seem to be unworthy of him. Daisy wanted his money, she fell in love with only his money and she turned out to be nothing as he imagined her to be. I found their love to be a representation of most modern love. A love that is materialistic and fictitious." I ended my speech, surprisingly keeping my voice at a normal octave that allowed everyone to hear. Not once stuttering or messing up, just a clean cut opinion that made me feel great.

I had chosen to keep my eyes focused on Mrs. Hamlet, not once focusing on the students that filled the room and I was too scared to lift my head and see their reactions. They probably thought I was weird and a nerd for liking what the school had assigned us to read. I just lowered my head, running the pads of my fingers over the cold, wooden desk.

"Niall how riveting that was." She praised, my head snapping up and giving a shy smile then forcing my head down again. I wasn't aware of the pairs of eyes staring at me or the thoughts running through their minds. Quiet whispers in shock that I possessed an accent or that my knowledge was unbelievable, but I didn't listen to them, only wanting to remove myself from this class. I wanted to be alone, up in my room, either reading, doing homework, or possibly thinking of Lena.

Mrs. Hamlet continued to ask for other students opinions, myself judging them as they spoke in a less educated way as I had done. It was normal for me to do so, being that words were my only friends and knowledge was my only protection. I'd rather be lonely and smart than be social and dumb. It just didn't seem suitable to be the second choice. Finally when the class had ended, I was the first one out of my seat, but was soon stopped by the teacher.

"Niall, I would like to have a word with you." She waited until everyone filed out of the room, my eyes catching sight of lena's body escaping the confines of the classroom. I stood in front of her desk as she stayed seated, a smile stuck on her face.

"You're very smart." She started, stating the obvious," I hope I didn't push you into something you didn't feel comfortable with because you seemed quite reluctant."

"No ma'am.. I-uh just don't enjoy speaking all that much is all." My voice was quieter, not as clear and confident as it had been before. "I enjoy the discussion, just not when it's directed at me." I confessed, staring at the white board behind her, small lines of marker still not erased.

"Well you'll get over that soon enough, trust me. We will continue to have these class sessions and don't be surprised if I pick you." She spoke, saying everything I didn't want to hear.

"Yes-s ma'am." My stuttering coming back. I turned on my heel and walked outside of her class. The rest of the day went as normal as high school can be, teachers throwing first day homework assignments at us and expecting it to be done by tomorrow something I didn't really have a issue with. Finally, It was the end of the day and the school halls were deserted instantly, everyone finding more important things to do than collecting the necessary homework from their lockers for tonight. I carried myself down the halls, passing a few people on the way, catching sight of the tiny freshman from earlier, dropping a folder that spilled a bunch of papers. I felt bad, rushing to help him gather the pages. His eyes widened when I bent down next to him, my hands reaching for the white sheets.

"Thank you." He spoke, watching me with wonder in his young eyes. I just smiled, mumbling a 'no problem'. I stood up finding myself about to turn the corner of the hall, entering the one that held my locker. A pair of voices stopped me, from walking passed the corner, leaning against the very end to listen.

"Did you hear him speak in class? He's Irish!" Exclaimed a girl that I'm guessing was in my English class. "It was actually kinda hot," the girl giggled and another girl replied.

"I know I wasn't sure to be weirded out or pull him to me and kiss him!" Laughed the other girl.

What the fùck. I would never do that with whoever those girls are. Their giggles came closer and I decided to fùck it and I turned the corner. I recognized the girls, but I had no idea what their names were, their looks I found appealing my freshman year I remember, but seemingly not anymore. I kept my head down, watching my feet as I passed them.

"Hi Niall." Spoke one of the girls, her pearly white teeth disgusting me as I peered up at them. I gave a slight smile, ignoring them as I walked to my locker, their chatter still filling the hall as they rounded the corner. What a weird day this has been.  I sighed pulling my bookbag from my shoulder and collecting the necessary items. I made my way out of the front doors of the school, finding large groups of students littered across the campus, senior guys revving their engines and speeding out of the parking lot. How classic.

I spotted my moms car, walking to it and getting in. She was too busy on her phone, talking to someone important and she only noticed the shut of the door before she took off in the direction of our house. Once inside, I ran up to my room, closing the door and plopping down on my comforting bed. A sigh escaped my mouth, thinking about the eventful day that I just went through.

Little did I know how Lena felt when she heard my voice, that she couldn't control herself, that she found it seductive, and lastly that I would be the source of her new kink.

I took one look at the recent pic of Niall in his nerd glasses and I was inspired to write haha
Comment if you'd like!
I have a whole week off for thanksgiving so hopefully I'll post a lot more!

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