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Smut Requested by: @Nialler_NeverEnough


I had been debating with myself all week.

The issue being, the want that filled my body whenever I came close to asking Lena out on a date, then I would completely retract myself from doing exactly that. I don't think I'll be too confident just yet to call it a date, but I'll at least ask her out to somewhere nice because I wanted to treat her.

I just need to push aside my inner fear of her rejecting me or ignoring me for that fact that I want to possibly take things further, as in becoming something together. I'm only hoping that when I do finally ask her, she won't take my words or actions the wrong way and push me out of her life in the process of me actually accomplishing something I want, besides being studious.

The only thing I want to accomplish right now is gaining her feelings that are a perfect match to my own.

So as I stand here in the grimy school bathroom, looking directly at myself in the cheap mirror, and contemplating what I really want in life, I decide it's now or never. With a slightly nervous attitude at the moment, I run my hands through my hair and position my glasses perfectly atop my nose, pulling at the loose flannel that covered my torso.

You got this, was all that ran through my mind, so I made my way out of the bathroom and walked through the slightly busy hallways being that we were all currently at lunch. I made my way back into the cafeteria, passing by Tony's table as he shoved a gross looking cupcake, with tons of sprinkles covering the top, in his mouth and annoyingly moaned out, "they're great!"

I wrinkled my nose, looking away with my hands shoved in my jeans pockets. I soon spotted Lena, sitting quietly at the table only we sat at, a strand of hair slightly being twirled around her finger as she peered down at an open book. Her hand detached itself from her hair as she reached out for an apple slice that was nestled in a ziplock bag, bringing it to her lips to take a bite without even removing her eyes from the words on the page. I admired the slight wrinkle of concentration across her forehead and the slow way she chewed, barely noticing my figure as I approached the table.

I comfortably planted myself in the navy blue chair next to Lena's, curious about what she was reading, so I leaned my head near hers. I could notice a slight smile appear across her lips, my head leaning closer to the page, hoping to annoy her but then the book caught my attention the closer I looked. "Is that one of my books?"

"Sure is," she teasingly smiled, pushing my head away with one of her hands, moving the book out of my sight as I sat there with a smile of success. "I didn't think you'd mind if I borrowed it"

I found it cute that she was always interested in the big collection of books that I kept in an unorganized stack. "Of course I don't mind, you're welcome to it anytime"

"Thought so" She laughed, focusing all her attention on me for a moment that made my heart almost burst. The mission that I had earlier, flooded my mind once again and I decided that this was the perfect opportunity.

"What?" She grinned, after having shared a few moments of pure silence, our eyes focused on one another.

"I want to take you somewhere," I watched her expression carefully, noticing a slight widening of her eyes and a small intake of breath. The thought of us at this moment was something I'd never believe would ever be taking place, only because of my demeanor when she first met me and how I couldn't even bring myself to mutter a simple 'hi' let alone be alone with a girl. I did however grow comfortable with this girl that sat before me and I just couldn't handle the thought of ever being who I was before I met her.

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