{11:Dominate me}

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He wants this.

His innocent and good, yet inexperienced, mind has accepted the one thing I've wanted since I saw him the first night I arrived. I hadn't been too aware of his accent when he first spoke to me but I couldn't look past his features, knowing all too well he possessed the stamina and keenness to do something rebellious although he looked kept to himself. Then he exposed the entirety of his accent and that's when I knew this had to be done.

I've always wanted to experience the affects of a daddy, certainly finding the kink very pleasing and now I've got someone who basically agreed to be mine, unfortunately he isn't one himself. Though despite his lack of daunting behavior, I've come to the conclusion that maybe teaching him how to be one will be even more thrilling than jumping right into things.

Feelings are something I've taken into consideration as well, but I'm hoping the rumbling of butterflies in my stomach and the harsh beat of my heart whenever his Irish self is around, subsides during this process.

But maybe, just maybe, I kinda don't want the feelings to leave...


I frantically scribbled the last math problem down in my notebook, trying to finish my homework as quick as possible on this Thursday afternoon. I groaned after messing up the entire problem, having to erase all my messy work, the eraser shavings being swept off my desk and onto the floor. I had been left alone since Tuesday night and the only thing that has occupied my mind was homework and Lena.


She's been relentless with her teasing since Tuesday when I agreed to do this whole new experience. Her frequent touches on my arms and hands that wouldn't leave my hair alone. She would even steal my attention more in classes, resulting in me being reprimanded for not paying any mind to what the teachers had to say. She was filling my mind rapidly, holding my thoughts captive with her whole existence. She was a bad habit that I didn't want to stop.

My mom had even asked about her when she called me Tuesday night, wanting to know more about her since the only thing my mom is aware of is that she's my friend, my only friend, besides my family, I've had in a long time. I kept my responses short, not wanting to say something my mom would question. Of course my mom was thrilled to hear everything I had to say about her, even hinting at her possibly being my girlfriend which made me blush. My response followed with something that calmed my mothers predictions for now and allowed me to calm down as well.

As I finished up with my homework, slamming the book shut and throwing it messily into my bag, an exciting idea popped into my head. I should invite Lena over tomorrow. Was this too soon though? Am I ready?

A small noise was heard from my closed window, the curtain hiding whatever was behind it. This brought me out of my nervous thoughts as I curiously made my way to the window, pulling the curtains back to reveal Lena with a sneaker in hand, looking about ready to throw it my way. She caught sight of me, flinging the shoe behind her as a big smile plastered onto her face once I pulled the window up so there was nothing between us.

"Hey." She spoke, leaning onto her window sill, looking down at the shoe that lay on the ground below as I did the same, realizing that was the sound I had heard. I looked up and gave a wide smile back, my eyes catching sight of the fairy lights that illuminated from her room, memories of her coming onto me replaying through my mind making my stomach feel weird and my heart sped just a bit. Maybe I am ready, the memory fueling something inside me to take a risk this time.

"Hey, what's up?" I questioned taking the same position as Lena as the wind swept it's way between our houses, her hair blowing slightly.

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