{8:Spahgetti & close encounters}

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The evening sky began to darken with rain clouds, raindrops fighting to break through the fluffiness. My mother and I had just arrived in front of a bike store that is clearly ancient, considering the brick that formed the walls was crumbling and the roof was slightly droopy. A grimace etched itself onto my face, wondering why my mother would want to go here to look for a bike when we could've gone an easier route and went to a sporting goods or something better.

But this was exactly what my mother enjoyed doing, other than cooking and traveling, she liked to find old run down places and always found a good deal with potential. I didn't disapprove of her hobbies, but I didn't exactly enjoy them.

We were currently looking through the small, dusty aisles in search of my new transportation. I followed behind my mom, nervous to tell her about Lena.

"Um mom so I made this friend and they want me to come over for dinner tonight and um I was wondering if it was okay if I went?" I stumbled over what I should say, finding myself keeping the gender of this friend unknown.

"Do I know this friend? Boy or girl? Are they a good person? Oh Niall please make sure you are hanging with the right people." She frantically spoke, spinning around so she could speak to me face to face. I knew she would be worried about me, this is a usual thing when I find myself unveiling any part about my social life. I took a deep breath, nervously combing my fingers through my knotty hair and fixing my crooked glasses so they sat straight.

"She's actually our next door neighbor and yeah...she's great.

A wide grin spread across my mothers face, "A GIRL. Oh my lord I'm so happy, what are you gonna wear? Maybe you should bring a little bouquet of roses to-"

"Mom stop." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, finding my excited mother entertaining. She had a small glint of happiness remaining in her eye as she placed her arms around me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow and then happily made her way to another aisle of bikes.

I released a puff of breath I didn't even know I was holding in, lightly fist pumping the air that my mom was cool with it and I was going to enter into lena's home tonight, unknowing of how anything will turn out. I'm hoping I have some luck on my side tonight.

"Niall honey!" My mothers voice came echoing across the small space of the shop, sounding like she was on the aisle next to mine. "This one is blue!"

I may or may not have gotten excited, blue being a color I rather enjoyed. I found myself staring at a nice looking bike, that looked somewhat expensive to be inside a shop like this, but I kept that to myself.

"It's nice but can we look around a little more." She gave me a nod, keeping the blue bike out in the aisle way, lingering her hold on it a bit longer.

My mother had a gleam in her eye, meaning she was going to buy this one no matter what.

"I guess this is the one." I gave in, knowing if I even disagreed she would take it as a yes anyway.

"Oh good!" She walked to the front desk, an older man leaning his chubby body against a wooden stool, looking just as run down as the place. "We would like this one, sir."

The man grumbled pulling himself up from the stool and checked the price tag. "$50 please." A crackly cough following, making me almost pull a disgusted face. She handed the money over and we made our way out of the store, ,myself rolling my new transportation with us. Then we ran into a problem as we neared the car.

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