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My tired body pedaled its way to school, the morning sun shining too bright for me. I've never stayed up as late as I did last night, but it was definitely worth it because of what my mind is filled with now. I feel slightly more confident now to approach Lena with the idea of Daddy kink, although it's so outside of my element.

I was removed from my thoughts, swerving as a car horn was blown at me, considering that I was riding on the street, not even realizing it. I rolled my bike on the sidewalk, slightly judging the person for being so rude, they could've just gone around me.

Once arriving at the school parking lot, I grew a little nervous but all the more excited, ignoring my queasy stomach and sweaty palms, just curious as to how she will react to my realization.

How will we continue after I tell her?

Will she do something unexpected?

Whatever she does it better not be something that will make me want her more than I already do.Once I walked through the large doors of the school building, I began my search for Lena. Looking everywhere I knew she would be.

First I checked by our lockers, getting my own books for class in the process. I stayed put, scanning the faces in the crowded school hallway, looking for her with hope of finding her.

After a few minutes of waiting with my back pressed against the cold surface of my locker and tearing at the loose pieces of paper falling out of my spiral notebook, Lena never showed up so I moved to the part of the hallway where it was slightly less rambunctious. I checked near the bathrooms, Lena always being the one complaining about having to relieve herself because she was cursed with a tiny bladder and she would usually rush before class.

So I waited.

She never came in or out.

I began to feel a little disappointed in myself. Maybe she was trying to avoid me after how I freaked out on her last night. I felt a pang in my chest, slightly worried now. I was currently leaned against the wall by the girls bathroom, gaining odd looks from some girls who walked passed me to enter into the confines of the restroom. I would slightly peek inside whenever someone would open the door, in hope she would be standing there, but to no avail she never appeared.

I walked away, not wanting to be pegged as a creep, also continuing to look for the only girl on my mind. I arrived in English class, knowing that I had to be successful in finding Lena within this period. I quickly sat down, peering to the seat diagonal to me, waiting for the empty spot to be filled. My nerves were getting the best of me as the class began to fill in before the bell rang.

I pulled my glasses off, wiping away smudges and placed them back on my nose, looking up at the perfect moment to catch sight of Lena. I swiveled in my chair so I faced her as she sat down in her desk, her eyes met mine making me smile her way, a tight lipped smile is what I received from her and she averted her eyes to the front of the class.

Shít I messed up.

I was about to call her name but Mrs. Hamlet began speaking and I knew I would have to wait to get her attention. My knee was bobbing up and down the entire class period, nervous about what to say, barely paying attention to the information flowing from the teachers mouth. Once the bell rang, I stood from my desk in haste, finding Lena already making her way out the classroom door.

I ran out after her, following her down the busy hallway. I pushed through the other students, probably being rude to a few, but I honestly couldn't care less. Some pushed back, but I never lost sight of the bounce of her pony tail.

"Lena!" I yelled, decreasing the distance between us, not gaining any response from her. God I hope she doesn't hate me.

I jogged after her, the rush of the students dying down the further we went down the hall where it was vacant and I finally caught up to her. My hand reached for her wrist, wrapping it tightly in my palm, pulling her to me. She struggled to get away so I did the only thing I could do. I grabbed both wrists and pushed her back, lightly pressing her against the tiled wall, her body pressed to mine. She gasped at my unexpected actions.

She was breathing heavier, her eyes looking down. "Lena. what's wrong?" I quietly questioned, trying to regain my breath from practically sprinting down the hall. I almost got distracted by the softness of her skin pressed to my hand, but I focused on her response.

" Let me go" She demanded, still not meeting my stare.

"No. look at me" I fired back, letting her know I wasn't gonna back down like a coward.

"Why does it matter?" She spoke, meeting my eyes, my heart beginning to beat much faster.

"Because I need to tell you something and I don't want you to be upset with me." I confessed, looking for some type of emotion to flash across her features but she held a straight face.

"Go ahead then."

I took a deep breath. "So last night I fùcked up. I was being a prude and I should've handled it better, but honestly you were the first girl to ever lay a hand on me and when you brought up the daddy kink I was scared, so I left and I shouldn't have done so."

She looked surprised, her resistance against me faltering as I continued. " And this daddy thing....uh...I would like to try it if you show me how."

She stayed silent, the school bell for the next class ringing, but we never moved, our bodies still against one another, our gazes never breaking. She soon smirked, her eyes glinting with some type of emotion.

"Okay...daddy." Lena whispered, quickly kissing my cheek and slipping beneath my arms, her body rubbing onto mine in the process. She happily ran down the hall, spinning around to yell 'bye niall' and continued her way to class.

I couldn't help but feel happy too. I also realized she was just challenging me this whole time, never really mad about me leaving last night, she wanted this to happen. I laughed at my own stupidity and her witty behavior. I placed my forehead onto the cool wall, laughing to myself and thinking about what I had just gotten myself into.

Once school ended, I happily hopped onto my bike, riding it home with a smile on my face. I wasn't even sure how this whole thing between us is going to start but I can't wait for it to begin. I can't help but feel like a new person. I'm not afraid to take risks anymore.

I arrived at home, walking through the kitchen to grab an apple, finding a note taped to the granite counter. I peeled it from the surface, bringing it in front of me as I bit into the apple skin.

Went out of town for a meeting. Will be back by Saturday. I'll call you later
-Mom :)

I crumpled the paper, throwing it in the trash along with my half eaten apple. My mom usually left for meetings every now and then so it wasn't shocking to receive a note like this from her. My dad would be home, but he's so busy at the hospital I practically have the house to myself for the rest of the week and I don't know if that's a good thing.

Things will be happening soon ;)
Thank you guys for understanding my absence of updating but it's summer now which means more updates YAY
Hope y'all enjoyed, vote and comment if you'd like

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