{16:Take me to church}

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"Niall?" My mothers muffled voice floated though the wooden door, her hand giving it another knock.

"Yeah?" I shakily answered back, quickly pulling up my boxers and pants faster than lightening, not even caring about throwing my shirt on. Lena seemed somewhat frozen, probably frightened that we could get caught.

"I'm doing laundry and wondered if you needed anything washed" the sound of the laundry basket being placed on the floor was audible, my heart racing a mile a minute. I was barely listening to what she was trying to say though as I looked at Lena with wide eyes.

"Sit down and act like you're doing homework" I quietly whispered this demand to her, grabbing her shoulders and guiding her to our forgotten homework on the floor near my bed. I moved towards the door, my mom probably becoming  impatient with me. I put my right hand on the door knob, checking my appearance before I revealed myself to my mom. I pulled the door open with one twist coming face to face with her.

She stood side ways and was pairing socks together that were scattered at the bottom of the basket and soon looked up, her eyes questionably lingering on my bare torso but not saying anything. She reached down to grab clean clothes from the basket, handing them to me, but not before looking past me and into my room. Her eyes landed on Lena who sat studiously with a pen clutched in her hand as she silently scribbled something on a piece of paper.

"Oh hi Lena! I had no idea you were here" my mother smiled at the girl, lena poking her head up to give her a large smile.

"Hi Mrs. Horan" she waved. I grabbed my full laundry basket that sat near my door and gave it to my mom. She took it, quietly eyeing me with an unknown look which slightly worried me.

"Alright we're gonna get back to work, lots of homework to do" I tried shooing my mom away with my words, hoping she would just leave us alone, the awkwardness was too overwhelming for me.

"Okay" she gave me a smile and walked away with my basket. I quickly closed my door, leaning my back against it with my eyes fixed to the ceiling of my bedroom as I let out a much needed sigh. I looked over at Lena as she threw her pen down, dropping her perfect posture as she sighed as well.

"Phew that was a close one" she laughed, running her hands through her hair and stretching against my bed frame. "I hope she didn't suspect anything kinky was going on"

I rolled my eyes, walking over to Lena and sitting beside her. "She probably has no idea what kinky even means"

"Trust me Niall, everyone knows what that means. Older people can be kinky too" She never failed to correct me on anything I say, and I never seemed to find any faults in her doing so.

"Gross I don't need that kind of thought in my mind" and she just laughed at my expense, grabbing her pen and continued her assignment.

It was later that night when Lena had left, talking with my mom a bit and giving her a hug before leaving. She gave me a hug as well but in secret, leaving a long kiss against my lips that left me out of it for a few minutes. Once I made my way back into my kitchen, I spotted my mom seated at our counter, flipping through a cooking magazine. I walked to the fridge in search of something refreshing to drink, barely having the fridge fully open, my mom began to speak to me.

"So is Lena just a friend?" I almost choked on my own air at her random question, racking my brain for a decent answer.

"Uh yeah I guess for now she is...why do you ask?" I tried to keep my voice from trembling, my eyes searching through the fridge but not remembering what exactly I had gone in there for.

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