Chapter 5 The Morning After

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I will dedicate this chapter to zampia160.

I don't have something to say....
Enjoy the new chapter and HAPPY READING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I was planning to use Green Lantern's POV, but I had very many requests for Diana's POV. So, I will use both Green Lantern's and Diana's POV...........

Green Lantern's POV

I woke up and the first thing I saw was the clock. The time was 7:25 in the morning. I tried to stretch but I couldn't. Something was sleeping above me. What was that? Then I realised that Hawkgirl had fell asleep yesterday when we were watching this film and we were exhausted. I don't know how Flash thought it........
I tried to move without wake Hawkgirl up but I stopped. I can't stand but stand there and watch her as she is sleeping. She is so peaceful and beautiful when she sleeps. When she sleeps no one can imagine that she is a fierce warrior from Thanagar. The only thing someone thinks of her when he watch her sleeping is that she is really like an Angel. A so beautiful Angel with so much grace and kindness. She really is graceful and kind. Bit this is rare. Very rare. Like a rare jewel that you know that you don't want it to be no one's. Only yours. That's how I feel about Hawkgirl. I want her to be mine and only mine. But she can't be. We are so different. It could never happen.........
And then she opened her eyes. These green eyes that made me lost myself in them every time I was looking at them. These eyes were the most gorgeous eyes I had seen in my whole life. When she realised that she was sleeping above me, she widened her eyes and stood up quickly. Then we made eye contact. She smiled and I smiled back. She came closer and whispered to my ear "Good morning".
I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. I told her "Good morning" too.
And then we heard a small snoring. A very small snoring. We turned our heads to the other couch and saw a thing that we never imagined that we would be able to see. Batman was sleeping on Diana's chest. The snoring was his......... We never imagined that we would be able to see Batman sleeping. So our surprise was ten times bigger when we saw him sleeping with Diana on the couch.
-Let them be. Let's go to the Kitchen to eat something for breakfast, I whispered in Hawkgirl's ear.
-That's a very good idea. Let's go then, she told me with a wide smile on her cute pink lips.
So, we walked to the Kitchen silently, intending not to make any noises. We should respect the others who still sleep. Hawkgirl made coffee and I made eggs with bacon. As we were eating, Hawkgirl almost burst into laughing. She was giggling as silently as possible.
-What's the matter? I asked her.
-I imagine what will happen when Batman wakes up, she answered between her giggles.
-It will be priceless..... I commented and smile.
-Yes, it will, she told me without stopping giggling. Three seconds later, I followed her and we were laughing together. She is so pretty when she laughs. I would do that for the rest of my life with ease.

Diana's POV (as I promised)

I opened my eyes lazily. I blinked a little bit to completely wake up. I looked around me. I had fell asleep on the couch. I looked at the wall clock. The time was 8:10 in the morning. I felt something warm above me. I looked at it and widened my eyes. It was a black cape. Batman's cape. As I followed the shape of the cape, I realised that Batman was sleeping in my chest. We had slept together. I shocked. I couldn't understand how I felt this moment. It was like embarrassment, it was like shame, it was like........ excitement. Happiness. Joy. Comfort.
Great Hestia, what am I thinking of? It's impossible to be like that. When he wakes up, he will stand up to his feet immediately and he will run. He will run out of the Watchtower. He will go in his dark cave and he will check on the yesterday's events in Gotham that he didn't witnessed because he was busy with the League. He was busy with his sleep with me. As I had expected, when he woke up, he opened his eyes in surprise and shock. I couldn't help but smile on this reaction. It was one of the most honest smiles I had given in my entire life.
-Good morning, Batman, I told him without stopping smiling.
-What time is it? He asked with his usual coldness. He had regained his calm.
-It's 8:15 in the morning, I answered innocently.
-What?! How long are you awake? He asked me more shocked than before. He was still lain above me. He hadn't changed his position. This surprised me.
-About ten minutes, I answered and looked straight into his eyes. At least these white eyelashes that were hiding his eyes.
-What?! And why you didn't wake me up? He asked me with confusion.
-I didn't want to bother you. You deserve rest after all those yesterday's events, I told him. We both knew that I had lied. The only reason I didn't wake him up, was that I wanted to watch him sleeping. I wanted to be with him for the rest of my immortality. I wanted the impossible.
-In case you don't know, you are laying above me and you slept above me with my chest as a pillow for the whole night, I told him with a seductive look in my face.
He widened his eyes in realisation.
-I really did? He asked embarrassingly.
I simply nodded in affirmation.
He stood up immediately to his feet and gave me a hand to stand up too. I took it and stood up. When I stood up, I looked at him and we made eye contact. I didn't want this moment to end. But finally he turned his look and let go off my hand.
-Let's go and eat breakfast,he simply said.
-You make coffee, I told him.
-Uhh okay, Princess.
I love it when he calls me like that.....

This chapter was very big.
I really loved it.
So, how did you find that??????


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