Chapter 8 Monitor Duty

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Thais chapter is dedicated to MaliaCheetah and Elemental_DJ.

I don't need to say something else, so enjoy the new chapter and HAPPY READING!!!!

Flash's POV

I was sitting in the chair of the Monitor eating chips, drinking beer and watching the play-off's of the American Cup in football. USA was playing with Canada. It was a tough game and the score, even though it was in the first half time was 3-3. The players were very capable and fast. Only the goalkeepers were weak. That's why the score was so high. Ten minutes later, the half time finished with score 4-3. USA was winning. I was very happy to hear that. So, I stood up and made my way to the Kitchen to bring more beers. The others were going to call it a day with the green trouble in the clown costume. And they hadn't called me yet so I could enjoy my freedom even though it wouldn't last for a long time........
As I arrived in the Kitchen, I realised that I had absolutely forgotten that I had broken the fridge into pieces before. Yeah... And know we have run out of beers. But I didn't care. We had five bags full of chips. So, there's no reason to be sad about the loss of beers. So, I exited the Kitchen and turned off its lights with these bags in my hands. The last thing I saw was the table which had two cups of coffee. I was bored to wash them. But I promised myself that I would do that later when the others are back from this mission in Gotham.
I always wanted to go to Gotham. I was curious about what it was like. It was Batman's city. Just that made my curiosity raging.......
As I returned to my seat in the Monitor Room, I looked at the TV screen and I realised with sorrow that there were still advertisements playing..... So, I sat there waiting impatiently.
As I was eating the chips waiting for the match to continue, I was thinking of these guys that I was hanging out lately. Not lately.... It's been almost two years after the creation of this team. The Justice League. What a stupid and perfect name simultaneously. So ideal....... I have to admit it. The Boy Scout sometimes has excellent ideas.......
The Boy Scout..... Superman.... He is like our big brother who is always caring and overprotective of us.... Even to Batman....
Oh,the Batman.... Even though I am in the same team with him for almost two years I still hadn't gotten used to his scary presence. And his glares.... They are haunting my dreams and make them nightmares. When he is tossing one of them to me, I am running and hiding behind John or Superman or Diana. Brrr... I am shivering with just the thought of that..... And it was only half past nine in the morning.........
My next thoughmt was John. The strong Green Lantern. This ex-Marine in whose face I found the friend I was seeking for.... Even though, in the start he was angry and mad with me and my childish treatment, when the time went by, he was enjoying it. We became best friends before we realised that. Maybe we weren't from the start because we were arguing a bit about the sane girl. About Hawkgirl..... The truth is I caught myself having a crush on her for the first time I met her. But it passed. Like everything in my life. Till the creation of this team nothing in my life was stable. Not even my job. I didn't know when I could lose it.....
Anyway, Hawkgirl is a very good and beautiful girl and I feel very lucky to be one of her friends......
My next thought was J'ohn. This Martian, the last one, who is full of mystery and knowledge too. He is treating us like a father. He is compassionate, affectionate, someone to talk to, someone to take advice from.... But he never stopped us from something. He was always letting us do what we want and feel the consequences. That's why I taje him as a father.
And the last one..........Diana. Our little Princess. Our little innocent and naïve sister. The Wonder Woman. And the only person in the League who was not afraid of Batman and could handle him even though he would never admit it...... I think that this is a hige accomplishment to not be mentioned.
I will never forget the first impression of her to me.... When I saw her so stunning and tall and gorgeous, I thought she was a supermodel who came there to show off herself. Later I learned that this was a huge lie. She was more powerful than any of us. Sometimes I think that she is more powerful than Supes. Especially when she punched me in the gut when I made a comment about her legs....... I still feel the pain and tremble.......
Even though we are so different, we make the perfect team and I don't want this dream to end.... Never....
And then, the match continued....
I smiled in satisfaction and turned up the volume......




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