The Lost Iris

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A/N: This is my submission for Competition #1 on the PoetsPub account! Feel free to check it out on there and vote and comment!

We have lost the will to walk, we have lost the will to talk - the ash has taken our words away.

Destruction and desire have left us in a mire with heaven turned away.

Rubble, littered waste, tongues cut out in haste - is that you crawling there or is it a demon from my nightmares?

The clouds block my screams, we lost the will to leave - our fear has destroyed us and our fear will detain us.

Am I correct or are you correct? Welcome to the political affect.

Wars and guns, we're all on the run - say hello to crimson rivers.

There is a man on a hill, silent and still he sits and watches the city.

The sun has died and our skin tells the time of desecration - my hungry eyes look to the man on the hill.

The earth has offered him a crown, for there on the ground a flower has broken through the pavement.

Will the man save it?

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