The Shadow

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I have walked away from you
A thousand times.
But still, the thought of you
Haunts the recesses of my mind.
I am flesh and blood.
You're just an illusion.
Yet, your presence is more tangible
Than the changing of the seasons.

Your silhouette stalks corners.
Your shadow follows me.
Time after time,
I have to remind myself
That you're just a figment of my mind.
An element of a deranged dream,
A wish upon a star,
Innocent and ravenous,
You consume all time.

Parabolic thought processes,
Defying all of nature,
Slip your hand into mine again
And we'll escape into eternal lands.

A/N: I'm working on two short stories at the moment, I'm hoping to have them finished and uploaded by next week. Thank you for all your support!

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