Blue Blood

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A/N: Tuesday submission for the 7 poems in 7 different styles competition at the PoetsPub!

It's the colors of my eyes,
The water staining the sky,
It's the musical blood of New Orleans
That will never wash away.

It's fierce and its violent
It's soothing and cool
Like a balm to the soul
This color is blue.


There is royalty in my blood
When you cut me I bleed blue.
Be careful not to cross me,
For this soothing exterior I assume --

Is merely a Polaroid of nature
And not the true wrath I can issue.
I am sky, I am water, petals on blossom,
Hues of day and night - I am blue.


The sky reflects the water,
A mirroring of unyielding blue.
I trace the path of racing rain drops
on a background of blue.

There are flowers of my home
Precious bonnets of blue.
I stare at my reflect,
Lost irises of blue.

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