Sweeter Waters

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I'm walking along this embankment,
Shattered fragments of you beneath my feet.
I'm somewhere up high.
Pieces of me are in the trees,
               Just soaking up the vodka rain.

It's burning in my belly,
Corrosive to my roots,
But, oh my --
How it makes my leaves shine!
And don't they just take on a new life,
As they're slurring and swaying.
               Dear God, what are am I saying?

I'm not the only one you see,
Escaping from those barren trees.
We're all here,
Gathered on our knees
Drinking from the river.

We lap from the shallows,
Tasting rust and discomfort.
There's no emotions here,
That's just too much to suffer.
For those sweeter waters,
You'll need to swim out farther.
               A bottle of tequila keeping you afloat.

When you're on the cusp of sleep,
And your defenses are down
That's when we recommend a good place to drown.
See, these shallow waters don't have a lot to offer.
But there are those sweeter waters.

Clouded mind, burning stomach,
Leave your reason with your shoes,
Let your dignity tread water after you.
With strong strokes swim out deep,
To where the water's nice and sweet.

But from the shallows,
Here we warn,
Beware those waters,
You'll become forlorn.
You're out too deep,
You can't drink it now.

It goes down harsh,
Biting and stinging.
So sweet they seemed,
But, now you're seeing.
You can't resist the waters pull
As it surrounds you.

And just when you think 

you've caught your breath,

Those sweeter waters will 

drag you into their depths.

<b>A/N:</b> I'm back! I'm not satisfied with this, at all. But, it's something. I've felt so blocked and stunted emotionally these past few
months that it's literally been hell trying to write poetry. Even poetry that's not connected to my feelings in any way, I just couldn't work up a steady flow. However, it's summer and I'm away from all of the stressors of this past (school) year and I'm hoping to do better (both mentally and as a writer).

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