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Damnation is depicted
In hues of crimson and shadow,
Brimstone and hellfire.

But I have seen damnation,
And it's is all white,
Pristine and sterile.

The sting of chemicals
And burn of sanitations
Cover the scent of nostalgia.

Whispered hints of Jasmine
And lavender.
Strong chicory and pungent tobacco.

The lights overhead are harsh
And buzzing,
Flickering to the passage of time.

People bleed by,
Faster than the cheap coffee brewing,
And I understand damnation.

Waiting in this all white room,
For the sweet decay of life.
Waiting is all we do.

Eyes vacant,
Mouths quite,
Skin withered and dry.

It does not matter,
If you're young or old
This is the place where you come to die.

And we sit here waiting,
Damned in this clean,
White room.

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