Cancerous Idolizations

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Idolize this condition.
Do you know how it feels?
To survive on the daily intake of this pill.
So I ask you again: Do you know how it feels?
There is no glory within my mind,
There is no passion in this behavior,
There is no success on the line,
There is you and the pill.
Such a small little capsule,
Yet dependent I am.
Are you? Or do you just think you're cool?
This should not be glorified,
Only recognized for what it is,
A chemical imbalance in my head.
So why are you wasting
These precious moments of your life
Wishing for something
That I'd wish for no other.

A/N: This is a poorly written vent of my frustrations. I see a lot of people idolizing and glorifying certain behaviors and illnesses and it genuinely upsets me. Often times people are glorifying romanticize and ill inform notions of these conditions and it can be extremely detrimental behavior. It cheapens the reality of the situation and leaves people in a disgusting world of ignorance.

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