Written in Red

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Don't get involved with a poet
They say, for you'll find your name
Written in red ink.
Yet, I hold my rude pen
And cannot find things to say
About your names
Headlights hit blank walls,
I lay in bed and try -
Try to find a way to commit
Emotions into written memories.
Poets talk about love
In terms of the stars:
Cosmos and constellations,
Explosions and crashes,
A touch of silk
And a shattering of glass.
The legend of their lover's eyes and
The myth of the taste of their lover's mouth.

What is the lore of our love?
I don't think it exists yet.
We're too young and too tentative
To stain the pages red.
We're nothing but
Late night talks of cats and potatoes,
Sporadic talks of our understanding
Of God and politics.
You tell me to dress warmly,
I tell you to eat.
I always fall asleep first
LFA - an acronym of my actions.
You text me 잘자 (goodnight),
And I text you good morning.
We spend money we don't have
On food we barely finish.
I get too scared to look at you
Yet, I seek an affirmative touch.
You're affectionate in private,
I'm affectionate all of the time.
I don't know where I stand with you
And I hate wasting my time,
Yet, here I am waiting on you.
Is this to be our story,
Playing at the edges of the page?

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