Stalking the Wild

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A/N: This is from the PoetsPub 7 day challenge.


Silently watching
Silently stalking
Stalking the unsuspecting
Stalking with the night
Night dark and cold
Night full with moon
Moon the beacon
Moon illuminates
Illuminates sharp eyes
Illuminates the pack
Pack hunts together
Pack protects
Protects the weak
Protects from threats
Threats on my side
Threats fleeing on instinct
Instinct guides us
Instinct roams alone
Alone I slink
Alone I bite
Bite into flesh
Bite with might
Might of the canine
Might of us all
All alone
All together
Together we run
Together we howl
Howl to rally
Howl to defend
Defend the pack
Defend the territory
Territory is comfort
Territory is home
Home for the Warriors
Home of the independent
Independent of man
Independent we strike
Strike fear into prey
Strike fear into men
Men fear us
Men bow in reverence
Reverence of our nobility
Reverence of the wild
Wild wolves
Wild running

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