Dear Cupid

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A/N: I was inspired to write this while annotating book 3, canto 12 of Spenser's The Faerie Queene.

Dear Cupid,
Do your arrows
Miss their marks?

Do you flutter
Purposely by
The jovial girl
On the shore
As she harkens to you?

Young as a spring blossom,
Fresh as green grass,
The little lass
Forgot about the embrace
Of the ocean.

Your arrows of lead and gold
Are where conflicts unfold.
How big is your dominion?
Of blood and lust
And bloodlust,
Your vulgars must be amusing.

Predatory they chase,
Demurely they run,
Paw at their underbellies.
Breast full and round,
Manhood standing proud,
Your children are astounding.

Your mask, my dear Cupid,
So intricate and aroused
Seems to lack all reason.
Negatively cast,
How dare you draw back
And fire a volley of arrows?

Your products are like you,
Children of abuse
To honesty and compassion.
The outcome of an affair
To the parents of violent beauty.

Dear Cupid,
Your sanguine blood
Coats the mouths
Of the pageant's specters.

Your dominion flourishes as ever.

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