6 || "ah funny"

13 0 1


I woke up in a cold room, the walls were cement. The light flickered as my eyes did as well.

I groaned as my head pounded.

I managed to drag myself to a corner in the room, which had chipped paint all over it.

I tried covering my body with my pale arms. Only to fail with the cold, foggy, sad air that filled me.

I looked down, realizing the ugly coloured bruises that covered my arms.

I was exposed, only having a white dirty muscle shirt on and black underwear.

I looked up at the door, seeing it was a medal stained door.

I felt like I Haven't eaten for days. I looked like I haven't been out of this room for days, which I probably haven't.

I stood up. My legs quivering in pain and tiredness.

I walked toward the door, looking under the bottom crack. I couldn't see anything but pitch black.

"Help!!" I tried to scream, but I came out as a croak.

I started banging on the door in desperation, anger and fear.


"Get me out of here!"


"Esme! Wake up!"

I flickered my eyes open to see a blurry Harry.

I grabbed onto him, latching him in my arms.

I was relieved I escaped the nightmare that replays in my head almost everyday.

"I'm here" he whispered.

I tried catching my breathe.
But failed to breathe on a slow pace.

"I'm here.." He said again.

I looked around, realizing I was in my room.

The gold Christmas lights that were on my ceiling. Making it look beautiful in my room.

I looked out my white window frame, it was midnight. Why was Harry still awake?

"Harry, what are you still doing up?" I sighed.

He starred into my eyes, with his beautiful green eyes.

"Wanted to take care of you" he talked calmly and quietly with his deep British accent.

"Harry.." I sighed again.

He watched my lips as I talked.

"That's sweet, thank you"

Be smiled.

"You've been asleep for 3 days, Esme"

I was shocked.


He laughed "oh?" He repeated.

I shook my head "yeah"

He hugged me "I missed hearing your voice."

I smiled. Again.


I saw something today. Something, hmm. Idk.

I was walking through the hall, Esmes hall.

We've all been staying at her house since the day she wouldn't wake up.

Anyways, I was walking and Harry was sitting beside the bed, he sat in silence beside Esme.

Didn't say a word until he stood up and snook a kiss.
I was shocked. Yet, knew it would happen.

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