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Getting out of the hot shower was a hard decision, it felt so good.
I felt fresh, more better than what I did before.

Niall was setting up a dinner, he said, but I was unsure if he really knew how to cook.

Once I brushed my brown hair, I put zero makeup on.
And put on some black leggings with my greenday tee.

When I was finished drying my hair I slowly made my way down stairs, seeing as there were mutliple, familiar people sitting at the set up table.

Oh no.

I worried about my wincing and limping.
I would be very much worried to what I would reply with if one of them had asked.

Pushing it aside, I saw a special someome out of the crowd.

"Hope you didn't mind, but I invited the ladds overs" Niall than said to late.
I nodded.

His dark brown, curly hair was perfect, his green eyes looked at my own, it made me nervous before he got up, making the table move and nearly break everything.

I chuckled as he walked over to me
"I want to talk to you, will you let me?"
I nodded my head in agreement while we walked around the corner to where it was more secretive.

"Esme, I am so, so sorry. I truly am. I haven't been around and I do feel like shit, I hope you know that, but i promise this time, I wil not let you down, I will be here, I mean every word I say
.. Im sorry"
Before I could reply to what he had to say, his hands were on my cheeks and his lips were placed on my forehead.

I wanted his lips to be somewhere other than my forehead.

I looked up at his tall figure, a boy dressed in black, called by harry, has truly made me go crazy.

"H-harry?" I stuttered
"Yes Esme?"
"Im lonely, I am. My parents are gone, I feel sick inside all the time, I can never eat, or sleep, and I don't want to lose you. Because I know thatll make me go crazy, youre the only boy who has made me go crazy over him." My hands were placed on the roots of my hair, my eyes closed and my hands shaking.

He didnt say much, he stared at me, his hands In his pockets.
It made me regret to what I had admitted, it made me feel to outgoing, annoying.

"Esme, I want to come upstairs to your room after dinner, alright?"

I felt a slight excitement in my heart, making my heart beat a littler faster than usual,
I casually nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked back to the table full of our friends.

The boys greeted me with a hug and some sweet kisses on the cheek, they all made me feel like i was a part of their 'squad' and It trully did make me happy.

Gemma didn't look that great, her hair was only up in a messy bun, dark bags under her eyes along with messy eyeliner.
She was tightly gripping on the arm rests, her nails bit down to as far as they could go. Her eyes were red, like she had been crying, I knew how hard it was for her, it wasnt easy.

walking over to her, I stood beside her awkwardly, I wanted her to turn my way and hug me, but no.

I latched onto her, as she hugged back desperately and tightly, For I knew this hug was much needed.

Her head was snuggled upon my shoulder her arms around me and mine around her quivering ones.
I wanted to tell her it was okay, but we both knew it wasn't.
She pulled us more to the side,
Hearing her silent sobs and sniffling broke my heart, I hated seeing people like this, for it made me feel the fault was mine..

She pulled away after a few minutes, not bothering to look at me she wiped her tears away, laughing at her self slightly
"Im sorry for getting tears on your shirt, im being pathetic"
It made me shake my head, she was calling herself down constantly, it made me upset.

"youre not pathetic,
I know how hard it is to do this, or to even get through it..
Its pretty fucking hard mate, but I want you to know
That I know what youre going through, and that im always here"
She smiled at me finally making eye contact,
"I knew it would be great seeing you again.."
She once again pulled me in for a hug but this time, an up lifting one.

The table of boys had been going crazy as us, the two girls were gone for only a moment.
I giggled as everyone was yelling at Niall for some reason.

The air smelt delicious, as He slid my plate in front of me first,
The way the food looked flawless, it made me want to not eat it, but I knew that I needed it.
"This is amazing Niall!" I smiled widely.
No one else really seemed to thank him or mention how great it tasted.

But one, had to make a rude remark
"Almost as great as it was last time hey mate!?" Liams voice echoed through my ears, it made me upset to why they were so awful. "Burnt and Messy eh?" He snickered

Before he could go on with his unwanted remarks, I could see that it was making Niall feel bad, I said something.
"Liam, youre being really awful right now, his cooking is great but you some how need to find a way to make him feel bad. Leave it alone." I spat.

I could see Harrys mouth full of food, smile and look down, almost as if he was ashamed of smiling at me giving Liam shit.

Gemma laughed, to only get a glare from Liam, they were both so cute it made me smile, they argue like they were both in grade two.

I take another bite out of my well cooked food and realize Niall is not eating, it concerned me by the way he looked a bit sad.
"Niall, why are you not eating hun?"
I frowned

"Not hungry." He simply stated and went back to cleaning the pans and plates.

I felt pleased by how Niall was helping me, it was a reminder that he cared.
"thanks Niall, I could've done that but thanks"


after finishing up my meal I slid it into the sink when I felt a hand on my hip, quickly I turned my back to see Harry

"You want to go up to your room now?" Along with a smirk.

Misunderstood 》 Harry styles.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon