7 || so i left.

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It been 2 days since the little incident.

It's like 'oh yeah why not just kiss Esme and get her started and than just fücking leave her for 2 damn days without an explanation!' I groaned.

"What's wrong doll?" Gemma asked as she took a picture of herself.

"Your brother."

She looked at me with a smirk on her face "he's a díck isn't he?"

I nodded my head as my phone rang. The number didn't look familiar at all.

I walked to the living room and answered it.



"Uhm, who's this?"

"Oh yeah, it's Blake!"

I screamed in excitement as everyone looked at me weird.

"Blake! OMG! Where are you?"

He laughed "in town, what about you?"

I laughed

"Home. Come over."


I was waiting for Blake to get here impatiently. Blake was one of my guy best friends ever since kindergarten. It was very rare that he was in town.

He was a model and was always doing shít.

The doorbell rang.

I opened it slowly to see a boy. "Hey" he smiled


"Yes it's me" he opened his arms out for a hug.

I hugged him tightly as he was way taller than me "you're so tall and you look good!"

"So do you! But you're still short." He laughed.
Everyone sat in the kitchen on the high chairs. Liam kept spinning and Louis was on his phone.

Niall was talking to Gemma as I talked to Blake. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you more.."

I smiled feeling as my cheeks Rose with heat. Which I for know why.

"Just, I've been thinking.." He randomly said "that maybe all these years I've liked you more as a friend." He blushed.

But let me get this straight,
He's a smokin' hot male model,
I'm a teenage loser who doesn't even go to party's, or the shit that he does. Wtf.

I smiled, I guess I kinda did as well, I mean if he wanted to date me I'de be good with it. But it's pretty odd.

"I like you to.." I finally managed to say "maybe you'll give me a chance?"
He asked me prettyyy loud because Gemma and Niall looked at me with confused expressions splattered across their faces.
"Sure?" It came out more like a question "great!" He smiled.

What, is this grade 5? He asked me out so weirdly.
Blake was staying the night in my room. But I'm making him sleep on the couch in my room that transforms into a bed.

If he slept in my bed with me, it just wouldn't feel right.

"Cute room.." He complimented. He was standing at the doorway to my room with his hands in his black pockets.


"So where am I sleeping tonight?" He smirked, he moved closer to me and leaned in. Before he could even reach to my lips, I turned my head whisk only made him kiss my cheek "I have to finish making your bed." He frowned "awe I don't get to sleep with you?"
"I hog the blanket and I move a lot.." I warned. He chuckled "oh"

I turned around and fixed the blanket that filled the bed. I could feel his hands on my hips and his eyes on me. "What're you doin'?" I giggled "just staring at your nice ass.. Why?"
I turned around immediately putting my hands over my butt. I blushed "okey" I said awkwardly "uhm yeah good night" I jumped into bed and covered myself.

"Night?" He said back. I could see in the corner of my eye that he pulled his shirt off.
Leaving his bare chest and 6pack visible.

I turned to face the icecream chair.

"Goodnight cutie." He sighed "night"
I woke up and smelt the yummy beeakfast smell.

I could hear that everyone was already awake.

So I decided to get up.
I walked down the stairs as I yawned.
When I got to the bottom I seen someone that I was ready to rip shit on. Harry. He was sitting on the high chair talking to Niall.
He was wearing black skinny jeans, a flower dress that I swear my dad would wear on vacation, but he was rocking it. I mean. No. He left the 3 top bottoms open making his tattooed chest visible an he was wearing a black fedora as his hair flop sided to one side.

"Goodmorning beautiful!" Blake smiled. He kissed my cheek. "Goodmorning handsome!" I said back.
I caught Harry's attention.

He shot him an irritated look.
"How did you sleep?" Blake asked.

I know this is truly selfish and wrong of me to do. But I wan going to have some fun. Entertain myself.
"Good, now that you're here.." I flirted with Blake.

"Oh yeah?" He said placing his hands on my sides as he looked down at me. "Yeah.."
He leaned down to kiss me, but he didn't kiss my lips this time, he kissed my neck.

Neck kisses are fücking hot.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, quickly glancing behind him. Harry looked super angry and his face was red.

I could see his fists were clenched.

Blake lifted me into him. I wrapped my legs around him, it slightly turned me on.
He walked us up the stairs with me still on him.

He leaned me against a wall as he kissed my neck. His hands explored different places.
I realized how pusses off Harry looked. So I needed to stop "Blake.."
He didn't hear me "Blake.."

"Yes?" He muffled into my hair
"Let's go eat." I breathed.
He let me down.
"You're so cute" he smiled "nah, you're to cute."


The boy and my Esme stood in front of me as they kissed multiple times and Esme wrapped around his torso.

I was disgusted by her actions and by the way they acted in front of us all. "Dude, she's pissed at you" Gemma laughed
"Well, you just left her with no explanation."
I left that night because I could already see that she was going to end up doing something stupid.

Like; telling me she wanted me.
Either havin feeling toward me, or fall for a guy like me.
I don't want to accidentally break her heart like I always and up doing to every girl.

So I left.

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