11 ||"He hates me"

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(3 days later)

I hadnt gotten sleep ever since that day, I didn't want sleep, and even if I did want sleep, I wouldn't be able to.

My phone was shut off ever since..

And there had only been 2 visitors knocking at the door, but it was to painful and even walk down the stairs, which also meant, I hadnt eaten either.

Suddenly I could here really loud knocking, more like slamming.
It sounded panicked and urgent.

Maybe I should try for this one.


I was about to the door after I sweated everything out of my body, I was panting and wincing.

I went to reach for the door knob, when there was another loud knock.

Groaning I opened the door.

It was my neighbour, she was out of breathe and she was crying, I cocked my eyebrow.

She struggled to speak,
"Y-your parents" she managed to say

I shook my head "are they back?"

She then shook her head
"Thats t-the thing.. they wont be..."

My eyebrows than knitted together, I was very confused to why shes saying these words that she managed to say again.

"Hun... they're gone... they got into a really bad car accident with a semi truck"

My heart stopped and everything zoomed in, as it got loud.
My scream drowned my own ears.
I collapsed and fell onto the wall as my hands covered my ears.

These tears, were now real.

She welcomed herself in and tried to pick me up and hug me but I fought to stay on the ground..

"I-im so so sorry"

I was so tired of hearing that from people, because no one was truly sorry.

She walked out closing the door.

Struggling I stood up and clenched my teeth.

I hit my fists againt the wall, leaving a crumbled wall behind one fist.

I backed away..

Screaming at the top of my lungs my head started to pound..


I woke up the next day, once again I only realized I slept the day away, again.

I felt empty, a part of me told me that they were going to walk through that door at any moment..

I stumbled down the stairs.. I looked at my self in the mirror, my cheek bones were visible, my skin a very pale.. I looked really unhealthy..

I was suprised that I haven't seen harry in 5 days...

Missing him, killed me.. but so did so much more..

Looking at my bright phone screen, I texted Niall.

'I need you.. please come over'

He didn't answer but I saw that he read it.

I tried sitting down on my high chair, but pain shot through me..

That was when I heard a knock at my door.
I was suprised but I still went to answer it,

Niall latched onto me,
I let out a sigh of relief as I wrapped my arms around him, I laid my head on his shoulder..
I wanted to cry, but couldnt.


"You need to eat Esme"

Unexpectedly I smiled at the sound of someone saying my nick name. God how I missed him.

"Im here to take care of you Esme, don't worry. also, why haven't you eaten?"

I winced at the thought of why I haven't been.
I didn't want to explain to him exactly why.

He slid a little plate of veggies and ranch in front of me,
The way the food was put together, it looked so well done, but I didn't want to eat. I shook my head..

"Esme, you need to e~~~"

Everything went blurry then just black..
The room started spinning and I could here someone yelling my name.


Hours later my tired eyes opened, I was in my bed and everything was dark once again.

I looked around the room, seeing no one, than I looked into the corner of my wall where I saw Harry,
On my rocking chair.
He sent me a side smile that any girl could fall for as he swept his hair to the side.

I quickly got up running to him, I took him in for a hug..
His hands quickly found its way up to my waist, where I loved to be hugged.

"Harry" came out of my mouth as I looked at him without thinking about my actions when I quickly kissed his lips,
They didn't feel the same as they did last time he put his on mine.

I pulled away hearing "Esme stop"

I blinked a few times, realizing, it wasn't who I thought it was...
"Niall im so sorry" I backed away as he came closer.
"No its fine, im sorry"
shaking my heads I tried to get up again but pain shot through me again and I fell to the ground, on my knees.
"Esme, this is getting out of control, just tell me what the fuck happened to you!" He knelt down to me looking at me.
But my eyes were shut, tears falling onto the carpet and my teeth clenched.

"Blake!" I cried "he came over yesterday and fucking raped me no one was here and I couldn't do anything to help myself, because everyone seems to leave me okay?! I scare everyone away, im sorry!!"

"He hates me"

His eyes shot open as he then clenched his fists, some how forgetting I was still on the ground.

I helped my self up wincing at every move.

"Now harry is gone, I told him to stay away but honestly all I want is him, I want him.. and i want to be happy, its so much to ask for.. im sorry, but that has besn so difficult to admit out loud, I want his lips to be on mine again, but hes ignoring me! You have no idea how much that hurts, im hurting Niall!!" I hit the wall with my fist crying.

"Its not his fault Esme.." he said being gentle

"I know that, its mine"

Gemmas gotten her drinking habits back again, and he can't really leave her because his mothers out on a vacation from all the stress.. her boyfriends been harassing her too."

It seemed to go quiet and I wasnt crying anymore, because I knew how she felt.
I knew how hard it was to stop.

Misunderstood 》 Harry styles.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat