Author's Note

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Update to May 9, 2020: Hello! It's the author of the journals! Lol jk, it's the author of this fanfic. If you've somehow stumbled into this story already, you might have already known that this story had a sequel!!! But yeah, I was re-reading some stuff and I wasn't really satisfied with what I had put out. And so with outmost determination, I decided to delete the entire thing and leave the story with this cliffhanger. I hope that with this ending, you could conclude your own ideas with how you want the two to end up.


Man I'm good!

I hope you we're surprised by the ending/epilogue or should I even call it that? Because ending with cliffhanger rarely happens on Wattpad. Mostly it's going to end with a happy ending or a sad ending. That's the two main things but I guess this what makes it special and I think a standout to all of my stories I have ever written.

You might think that it's not or others might think this is just another lame Dipcifica story but to me, I could say I'm proud of what I've written. Not only because this is my longest story so far (and there's going to be a sequel for crying out loud) but also because I worked hard with every single chapters I make and that I try to squeeze writing this to my time despite of my busy schedule.

But I really do hope you're voting or commenting, not because I want to brag about getting many votes and stuff but because that's one of the two things I consider the happy side of writing in Wattpad. The other is doing what I love and that's writing fanfics because I feel like Wattpad lacks of good fanfic stories or the cartoon fanfics at least. But yeah, I appreciate every single one of the comments because it persuades me to write more and just make readers happy.

Another thing, I'm sorry if you saw incorrect grammars or wrong choice of words at some of the chapters. The reason for is like what I said earlier, I only write when I have time to do so which is rarely to happen. And it got worse when school came so my time management is probably the most messed up if you could only see me. Or maybe I guess my personality or my house can also be the most messed up.

Also, this was suppose to be in a comedy genre so I hope you found this book funny. The jokes are almost all intended and others were just parts of me wanting to write some of the random jokes that come in my head.

Gee, I realized that I have a lot of stuff to say right now..

I have 787484690483 thoughts I want to say to you lovely unicorns! Yap, I just called you that. For those who made it this far, all I can say is well done! I love you guys and thank you for reading this story! And to some readers who gave up reading mainly on Chapter 22 or 23, I just want to say to them that I hope you continue reading what they left because, they are missing out! The two reason that came up in my head when I lost the votes is that they are mostly American readers who need to go to school or they simply gave up reading because I know that Chapter 22 was like the falling action of the story so.. Yeah, I just hope they'll continue..

Another part of my 787484690483 thoughts is that, I actually got time to write today. Only because, I didn't go to school. No that's a bit wrong and unspecified. My mom didn't allow me to go to school because I'm suffering chickenpox at the moment and believe me, it's incredibly itchy you guys! It's only from it's 3rd day and mom said that it would become worse. I was like wors dan dis ar u kidin' meh?! Then I realized she's actually not kidding.

The good part of that is, I have the time to write the ending and the epilogue, which I could say was great but only in opinion.

Alright, so let's talk about the followers I have. I could say that even though many people have like millions of fans (and of course I'm not gonna expect that much) I'm so grateful that they support me and gaining 400 followers is not a big deal but to me it's like.. Everything! Knowing that people sent me messages of how great I am as an author (which I still don't believe), it just makes me feel good inside.

Oh, since this already got like 1000+ words and you get my point, it's time to end this before I get emotional. I hate to see the typing end because it's the only thing right now to keep me from not scratching this awfully irritating blisters!! But I/you also need to head to the Q&A and some other junk. Hope you read it! All the love!

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