Chapter 1

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"Bruuuuuuce! Why can't I come on patrol with you!" I whine as he walks towards he bat mobile, dressed in his Batman suit.

He sighs and turns to face me, the white eyes is his cowl sending a cold fear through me. I know he would never hurt me, but the just...blank white eyes terrify me.

"Lilla, you are nine. I am not letting my nine year old daughter help me fight crime, especially with lunatics like the Joker out on the streets now."

I huff and jump into the spiny chair in front of the bat computer, crossing my arms. "Fine, but can I at least work on some of the gadgets?"

Bruce lowers his cowl for a moment, looking at me with his usual emotionless expression. "Only for a little bit Lilla, we have to go to the circus tomorrow evening and I don't want you exhausted. Alfred, please make sure she does not stay up until one in the morning this time."

I glare at him as Alfred nods. "Of course Master Bruce."

He jumps into the bat mobile and is off faster than I could throw a Batarang at a soda can. Well, it may not be as fast as Bruce can do it but I am getting almost to the halfway mark of that speed.

I hop of the chair and walk over to the work table, glancing over the different gadgets that are on there. Alfred looks over my shoulder. "Mistress Lilla, wouldn't it be wise to go to sleep now and then work on these before you and Master Bruce go to the circus performance?"

Reluctantly I put down the glue grenade I was about to start working on, and sigh. "Yeah, you're right Alfred. But, if something important or extreme happens to Bruce you wake me up and let me know. Please?" I look up at Alfred, frowning faintly.

He nods, helping to clean the small amount of supplies I had already taken out. "Of course I will Lilla, I've always promised I would."

I just run a hand through my hair and slide off the stool I was sitting on, walking up the stairs towards the mansion. I just hope Bruce stays safe..he is always trying to push himself and sometimes it ends badly. Really badly.

As I sit on my bed, I can't help but be worried that one of the days Bruce will never come home or that he will come home broken. Either mentally broken or physically. He's come come close to it, and it scared Alfred and I to death.

I lay on my bed and look up at my ceiling, sighing. One day Bruce will let me go on the rounds with him, eventually I won't be so young and he can't treat me like a kid.

My fingers twitch slightly, God, I can't sleep right now. Im too worried and I drank way to much soda, even with Bruce and Alfred telling me to stop after my second glass of Dr. Pepper. I jump off of my bed, and walk out of my room towards the gym. Might as well practice my gymnastics, burn the energy out.

I don't bother to change out of my pajama shorts or t-shirt, i hopefully won't have to do this for to long to burn out the energy.

Boy was I wrong, it is around two in the morning and I am not even tired. Surprised Alfred hasn't noticed me in the gym, or Bruce on his way to his room. Has Bruce even come back yet?! Oh god, I hope he has!

With this sudden worry, I quickly race out of the gym and to the entrance of the batcave. When the door opens I quickly run down the stairs, careful not to slip and fall, and over to where Alfred is. I stand by his side.

"Alfred, Bruce is okay right?" I ask worriedly, looking up at him.

Alfred looks down at me, frowning faintly. "Yes he is alright, just a run in with some of the Penguin's men. You should be asleep though Mistress Lilla."

I go to respond when Alfred starts talking to Bruce, Id assume, and I frown. Now Im in for it, one of the oh so wonderful lectures from Bruce.

"Yes Master Bruce, she is still awake. I know I said so, but I thought she was sleep. She was worried about you. Yes Master Bruce, I will have her go to sleep."

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