Chapter 2

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I smile faintly as I wait on the stairs in the entrance way, Bruce said that the boy from the circus is coming to live with us today.

"Would you like some tea, Mistress Lilla?" Alfred asks as he walks out of the dining room, looking up at me.

"Yes please Alfred."

He nods and walks back to the kitchen, leaving me to my nervous anticipation. I am excited to meet Richard, but then Im also really nervous. What if he doesn't like me? What if I say something and hurt his feelings? What if Bruce...stops talking to me to take care of Richard?

I sigh when I think of that last thought, I know my dad would never just ignore me but it is still a fear I have. Bruce let me know that Richard's parents were murdered, just like his were murdered.

Im scared that Bruce and Richard will connect and leave me out. What if Bruce makes Richard his sidekick before me because of that? Or just because Richard is a boy, while Im a girl and he would be more physically capable. Oh god. What if Bruce makes me leave because I become a burden like it did to my mom? What if-

"Mistress Lilla, I made you your tea. Wait, what is wrong?" Alfred asks, sounding slightly confused.

This confuses me but when I put a hand to my cheek I realize that there are tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I-I.." I don't know how to put it without sounding selfish, and like a spoiled brat.

Alfred sets the tea down and sits next to me, holding a tissue out to me. I take it and wipe my eyes, sniffling.

"Are you worried that with Master Dick coming will put a wedge between you and Master Bruce?" He asks quietly. Oh, I forgot Grayson liked to be called Dick instead of Richard.

I nod, rubbing my eyes again. "I-I know it's selfish, but I just don't w-want to lose D-Dad.."

"You will not lose him Mistress Lilla, I promise."

I run a hand through my hair as the sounds of a car gets closer. He's here. Taking a sip of my tea, I stand and make way for Bruce who is coming down the stairs behind me. For being the Batman, he can be awfully noisy at times.

Alfred opens the door, showing Dick and Commissioner Gordon. If only Mr. G knew that the vigilante he wanted, or wants, to catch is right in front of him. That would be horrible, to lose Bruce to the cops.

"Hello Mr. Wayne, this is Richard Grayson. And Richard, this is Mr. Wayne. He is your guardian now," Mr. G introduces the two.

"I like to be called Dick," he mumbles quietly as he shakes Bruce's hand.
Bruce then shakes Mr. G's hand, and guides Dick inside. From what Bruce told me, Dick is my age which will be..interesting. I've never had a sibling that was my age, I was a little sister and even then I never saw Harleen..being fourteen years younger kinda stops major bonding. There was some bonding but it was over horrible circumstances..

"Lilla, meet Dick. Dick, meet my adoptive daughter Lilla." Bruce says, probably because he noticed me zoning out slightly.

I look down at Dick from the stairs and smile slightly at him. "Nice to meet you Dick."

He smiles back, it almost seems forced though. "Nice to meet you too Lilla."

Alfred takes the tea from me as Bruce closes the door. Dad looks at me, gesturing up the stairs. Oh! He wants me to show Dick to his room.

"I can show you to your room Dick, if you want."

Dick nods, picking up the suitcase and walking up the stairs behind me. I bite my lip, sighing. We walk down the long halls, walking past my room.

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