Chapter 17

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[Sorry it's been so long, been struggling to keep up with my school work. Some more chapters should come up in a week or so, if my school doesn't give me that much homework]

I groan and open my eyes slightly, instantly being semi-blinded by the very bright sun. What..? Where am I? My body is stuff as I sit up, the sand underneath my hand shifting and burning it slightly. Okay, I'm in a dessert but why? The sand slips through my fingers as I push myself up into a sitting position, the coarseness making the small scratches on my hands sting. Huh, when did I get those?

I look around and see off tan of the cliffs nearby, but that doesn't help tell me where I am. Did the doctors think of this as a test for me? Except I am not in my Chickadee outfit, which is something they rarely change during the test. I've figured by now that they do that to remind me that I can never return to my home and my family. At first I fought against them as much as possible, now I guess I just..try and survive as much as possible while still attempting to preserve who I am as much as possible.

They can't touch my memories of my life before my capture, but they can get to the ones I make in that horrible place.

Slowly I stand up, groaning as my bones crack and muscles scream in protest. Clearly I had been running extensively recently, because this is not the same muscle pain that would have happened because they kept me under for a week or two. I've been out here for a day or two. This is worrying, because they don't usually wipe my memory mid test or training session. If they did it then they must've had a good reason, and they usually would at tell me the time limit I had, and if I could use my powers or not.

They've never done this mid test or training session. Ever.

They've erased certain things before, sure, but they at least left enough memory for me to know why I'm where I am. I have no clue where I am, why I am here, or what the heck is going on. Something very very bad must've happened if they've erased an entire first part of a mission from my mind.

Wait. What is this on my wrist? I press the small silver bracelet and a map with coordinates on it. Odd..guess I need to go to that place-wait! It's September 2010, and I'm for some reason in Bialiya. I've been gone for almost three years, I wonder how R and B are doing. I miss them. Wonder if they remember me, or if B took in a new Chickadee. Who knows.

I stop wondering and start walking towards the coordinates, hoping I figure out what the test is and why they've erased at least a days worth of memory about it.

I let my arm with the coordinates on it swing down only for it to hit something metal. Eyes train down to the object attached to my belt and I can't help but smile. It looks like a lightsaber, they must've been nice and given me one-like I've been asking ever since I got more control over my powers. Must've said something right if they gave me one.

I unclip it and since there is no button, figure that I need to channel my energy through it. Confidently I take a breath; after turning off the coordinates; and let the electricity pass through me, then I feel the heat that comes with using my powers. Suddenly a two foot blade of plasma extends from the opening of the hilt. Awesome!

Swinging the blade around makes me feel like a Jedi, and gives me a sense of freedom I haven't had for awhile. As the blade passes over the sand, the extreme heat instantly turns the sand to glass. So cool.

I keep walking after I deactivate my saber and pull the coordinates back up, making sure to stick to the rocks as I creep towards the place slowly. Can't be to careful, can I? The hot sun beads down on my neck as I creep even closer, focusing any excess energy I have to my hearing. Hours seem to pass by and I spot multiple tank trains going off in one direction but they never notice me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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