Chapter 13

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I sit cross legged on the roof of the manor while looking out at the calm ocean that is located behind our home. Cold metal pieces are in my lap and hands, a few small pieces precariously near the edge of the roof. I need to do something to keep myself busy as Dick and his-our friends try to convince Roy to join the team. Something tells me he won't.

Carefully I combine the metal pieces, I have one shot at making this. If I screw up, well, I can't take anymore from Dad without him noticing and even then he probably will notice the small amount I've already taken. Meaning I'll have to lie to him, again. Just another lie on the ever growing pile of lies.

Hopefully my plasma won't melt this, but it probably will knowing my luck. Slowly in screw in the final pieces and let out a breath I was holding. Slowly I release a bit of the energy I use to generate plasma and power the small engine I put into the casing.

Surprisingly it doesn't explode, somehow, must be smarter than I thought. I cautiously put a bit more energy into the engine and hold the open end out away from me. With a final little bit of energy, a beam of plasma shoots out of the opening. It just keeps going straight and it takes even more energy to keep it at a specific length.

"Oh my god! I did it!" I shout in excitement. Well I did it, and so did Wally to an extent. He's been secretly helping me along with Dick on ways to control my powers more this past week and this device is a huge step on the path of me controlling them.

"Now how do I turn it off.." I mumble while remembering I didn't put an off button for some reason. Maybe I just didn't know if it would work, who knows. What if I just stop feeding it energy? I do that and the plasma blade sputters and disappears.

Once it's off I start jumping up and down, a large smile on my face. "I did it! I did it! I did it!"

I drop down onto the balcony and go inside; Dick should be back by now and I want to show him this. As quietly as I can I jog towards my brothers room, knowing how excited he will be. I essentially have a lightsaber, a freaking lightsaber! Dick and I are huge Star Wars fans, and this was one of the first things we both thought of trying to do with my plasma powers.

The doors close softly behind me and I skip down the hall towards my brother's room. He will be so whelmed when I so him this! I knock on his door and wait.
And wait some more, and more. Huh..he much be asleep I guess. Lame.

I twirl the hilt in my hand as I walk a few feet further and toss my new device into my bed from the door; I am way to hyper, guess I can train for a bit to make myself sleepier. Though if I remember how many times I tried to do this when I was younger then this will most likely not work, but whatever it's worth a shot. I'm not eleven anymore, or the same hyper kid...most of the time.

Whenever Wally comes over I am a different person completely. Dick even asked me about it, and I did not have a good answer. There is no reason why when I'm just around Dick I'm sarcastic and playful and just hyper, but when Wally is around I'm quieter and act a lot more like Dad. Maybe it is because I've been around Dad longer and picked up some of his personality traits? Who knows.

I walk into the gym and head straight over to the high bars, my favorite thing to do. Focus Lilla. Focus. I love the feeling of my body flying around the bar, the adrenaline of knowing one wrong move could spell disaster. Which isn't good, but it is such a rush to think about sometimes. My eyes are closed and my thoughts start to wonder to when I first learned acrobatics. Not from Dick or Bruce for the most part.

I learned almost all of the basics from Harley when she was home from college and the few years before. My older sister is twelve years older than me, even with that though she still found time to teach me gymnastics and help me handle our parents. Harleen was patient with me when teaching me; she was the rock I had while in that hell even though I didn't fully realize it until I was tossed into the snow that Christmas Eve. Until that moment I took her for granted, then I lost her and realized how much I actually depended on her. 

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