Chapter 10

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I open my eyes to feel the soft rays of the morning sun, something I haven't felt in...I don't know how long. I look at the plain alarm clock next to me and frown at the date; July 5th 2010. It's been a year and a half since they took me, and to me it's just been a long sleep. Oh my god, the hell that Dad and Dick must've gone through..

I sit up while stretching then stand to look through the draws next to me. To my surprise I find a some assortment of a multitude of different clothes, mostly in a style I would think Dick might wear. These are probably some of my brother's clothes, either kind old Alfred did this or my dear brother.

Freeeedoooom! I fling the clothes Cadmus had me in across the room and change into some of the clothes into my drawer, just a simple t-shirt and shorts in the bathroom connected to my room. I glance at the mirror and sigh, my used to be pale skin is even paler now that I haven't seen the sun in a year and a half. My hair is longer than my upper back and just out of control, so I make the decision to cut it.

For the next thirty minutes I am cutting my hair back to a little shorter than chin length; now it won't remind me of who I was before They took me. My fists clench and I growl under my breath. Who are they and how dare they steal me from my family, for two fucking years!

I barely remember when they took me, but what I do remember has Dad's BatWing being shot out of the sky as we went...somewhere. Then bits of crashing and the people who took me just ignoring Dad, instead they headed directly to me and took me away from him. That's all I can remember that night then I remember bits and pieces of waking up to be experiment on.

My fists unclench slowly as I realize that whatever my powers can make is surrounding my hands and cut fists sized holes into the sink counter. can I do this..? What did those scientists do to me?! Deep breaths Lilla, deep breaths. Soon I calm down and exit my bathroom, leaving the hair on the floor.

Quietly my feet find their way to my door and they leave the fluffy carpet for a cold wooden floor in a silent hallway. I pause at the stairway to close my eyes and focus, using the strong hearing I have to try and find where my family is in the house.

A light humming mixed with pots and pans, Alfred is in the kitchen. He is making some type of food, I can't tell from just hearing.
Then I hear the familiar sound of acrobatic rings being used along with the sound of hands clapping to remove excess chalk, Dick must be in the gym.
There is no sound from Dad, so he must be in the Cave or not in the mansion.

I open my eyes and let out a quiet sigh of relief, I'm so glad that whatever those scientists did to me didn't mess with my hearing. It is now a constant I have while everything else around me is changing. Now I can improve on it, like I had planned on doing before I was taken.

I start to head towards the gym while I take in the changes to the hallway, there are not obvious ones but the subtle ones causes my heart to hurt. Almost every single picture that had me in it is gone, it's like they tried to forget me..A sigh escapes my lips and I just keep walking, trying not to think about the multitude of reasons those pictures could be removed.

I luckily reach the gym before I can get lost in my thoughts, literally. A smile faintly plays on my face when I see Dick doing what he does best, acrobatics. Another constant I have in my life, he didn't stop doing this. It takes him five or so minutes to notice me watching, a smile on his face.

"Hey Lil, how long have you been there?" He wipes the chalk off of his hands as he walks over to me.

"Only a few minutes, just woke up." I lean against the wall and smile slightly. "So, you have to fill me in on what I've missed these two years."

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