Chapter 11

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July 9th 13:06

I am in the cave with Dick training as usual, out of costume, and I hear the zeta tube call out someone I don't expect to come out of the blue.
"Recognized. Kid Flash, B04."

In a split second I am on a beam up above the railing, wait why Dick isn't doing the same? Does he want Wally to find out his identity??
"Hey Dick!" Wally calls out and ran over to him, a giant teddy bear in his hands. "Where is Vi?"

Dick looks up and chuckles. "Hiding, and probably confused why you know my civvie identity. I'll tell you later how that happened, just come down here sis."

I laugh and roll my eyes. "And how has Batman not killed you yet?"

"Because he doesn't knoooooowww, duh."

"Well there is that, but...gah. Since you trust him." I drop down without much hesitation after I realize that if Dick trusts Wally, then I can also. Pretty sure he reached out to Wally for support because of me disappearing, if that's the case then I owe Wally a lot.

I look up and met my friend's eyes, I've been hanging out with him in the cave whenever we had free time the past few days. I only met him once before my disappearing and that was during, from what I'm told, a mission that went horribly wrong. He is one of the goofiest and kindest people I know, while his kindness is sometimes hidden behind layers of sarcasm but it's always genuine. 

"Hey Wally, I'm Lilla." I give him a smile and the smile Wally gives me wipes away any of the nervousness I have about revealing my identity. I still don't tell him my last name, because legally I am Wayne but I could have also said Quinzel. The latter would have been bad to let anyone outside my family; excluding Commissioner Gordon; know my biological ties to criminals.

"Nice to meet you Lilla. Oh! I got you this teddy bear, I know you aren't sick really but this is so...I don't know. I just thought you would like it.." He has a nervous look on his face and it actually is kinda adorable. I take the teddy bear and smile more, it is quite a cute teddy bear. It has a dark blue top hat, a red bow tie around its neck and it was holding a 'Feel Better' sign in its paws.

"It is adorable Wally, thank you for getting it." I set it off to the side and glance at Dick. In a few seconds of "Bat-Talk" we decide to do something fun with Wally. Mentally we decide to maybe just go get some lunch with him, to just hang out like teens.

"Hey Wally, you want to come get lunch with us?" We ask at the same time, something that causes Wally to jump slightly and us Bat kids to laugh quietly. It never gets old, doing that to people.

"Damn Bat-Talk, and twin talk too. But yeah, sure. Sounds fun." He chuckles and looks a the zeta tube. "Want to go eat in Central City?" Since I'm sure Gotham wouldn't be the safest place to eat.

Dick and I chuckle, the familiar feeling of being with people I care about fills my chest. I love this feeling so much, it's the best. "Yeah, you're probably right Wal. Let go." Dick chuckles.

"Oh! You guys go ahead, I need to do something really quick."

They walk over to the Zeta Beam, Dick and I luckily just in normal "exercise" clothes so we won't stick out and we have our sunglasses on just in case.
Once my brother and Wally are out of the cave I quickly run over to the computer and erase the footage that has Wally in it. I stitch the remaining footage and audio together to make it seem as if Dick and I decided by ourselves to go each lunch in Central City.

Once that is done I zeta to Central City and find a café to eat at that  seems to have good food, but this is according to Wally who will eat anything.

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