Chapter 9

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I wake up and open my eyes, what's going on? Is there another test happening? In front of me are blurry figures; my eyes not functioning correctly because of how long I've been out. Probably a good couple weeks now, longer than usual. The words the people are saying is muddled, like I am underwater. For a second I feel hope that maybe it's Dad or Robin coming to save me, but probably not. It never is.

It's always just the doctors and that weird psychic humanoid-creature. Every time I have woken up it was always just the doctors trying and failing to poke needles into me, cursing the fact that I'm impervious to those evil needles and their evil ways. I hate needles..

Screams of confusion and anger, what is happening? Soon the clouds of blur fade and there are clearer colors and shapes. A voice. One so similar that my unfocused eyes widen. Dick!? He..he actually came for me. I feel my knees buckle when I try to take a step forward, wind rushing past me as I fall to the floor. No one catches me, so it must've been an illusion that I heard his voice. He would've caught me, right? Or Dad, because Dad would have been with Dick if he was here.

Seconds later my vision goes sorta normal as it can with how long I haven't used my eyes, and the scene in front of me makes me wish I stayed asleep. On the floor is my brother and the sidekicks that I recognize but feel like I know. Aqualad and Kid Flash, it feels like I've met them but can't remember when. Huh.
Then there is an almost young looking Superman that I vaguely remember seeing last time I was conscious. He is standing over the guys next to the monster that took me from my home!

Using the little reserves of energy I have from sleeping, I use the powers I've barely had time to master to hide myself on the floor. I can't go back in that pod, I refuse to.

It must work because minutes pass and it soon is mostly silent; minus some sounds from welding. They could also just be incompetent because I don't think they even noticed my empty pod in the corner of the room.

Weakly I push myself up and look around, then walk quietly down a hall pass the creepy monsters that are welding the door. I can feel the strain of using my powers, but I need to keep them up even if it means I damage myself. I need to get out and get home, so I can see my friends and family again..

My mind and body starts to feel even more heavy and tired now as my feet trudge down an odd ugly hall, following the faint voices of my friends. A man in a yellow helmet rushes past me, one of the tiny monsters on his shoulder. I pick up my pace as much as I can, my friends may be in danger. So now instead of a slow crawl it is a moderate walk, such an improvement.

I stumble down the red hallways following the man in the golden helmet as best I can. As I reach the door I hear my friends voices, it sounds like they're trying to reason with someone.

The scientist walks past me also, am I moving that slowly? Soon I make it into the room as the young looking Superman walks out, with another one of the creepy creatures on his soldier.

Just barely I make it into the room, and I almost wish I didn't.
My brother and his friends are screaming as machines take blood from them, for what? Experiments or something else? I faintly heard the word clone before coming in here, but that isn't possible. Cloning humans isn't possible, right..?

To my right the humanoid psychic creature passes me, almost surely knowing I'm hiding in the corner. Why isn't he saying anything?

"Where is Dubilex?" So that is the creature's name. "Ooh! There you are. Start downloading their memories, and then delete the source material. Hopefully these Superheros' brats minds aren't as hard to read as the other one."

My mind. He's talking about my mind. I think? Maybe there are other kids here, but since I'm technically Batman's sidekick he's probably talking about me..

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