Chapter 15

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July 18th
17: 34

I call Teryn after changing into clean clothes, knowing she at least will let me talk before asking me questions. Well Teryn won't ask them but Silas and Barbara will. It rings a few times before she picks up.

"Lilla?" Her soft voice is full of shock and surprise. It makes me feel extremely guilty. I've been back for almost two weeks and I haven't contacted any of my friends; I really am a horrible friend.

"Y-yeah, it's me. I just got back from my boarding school a few days ago." I force myself to sound calm, and a bit happy. The times I've gotten kidnapped, or lied to explain an injury, they've helped me master this. It's terrible if you think about it.

"Awesome. Silas isn't here right now, he's at basketball practice. So how was school then?"

She doesn't even ask why I didn't text or write or call, or why I never came home for holidays. I know she's hurt because of that, and oh god I wish I could tell her, but I need to keep up the lie. She's my best friend and this lie has never hurt more than it does now. It sucks.

"It was good, uh, boring. How has school been for you and Silas?" I ask while sighing mentally.

"It's been good."

An awkward silence falls over us and I bit my lip. "Is it to late to ask you, and probably Silas, maybe Barbara to go get dinner at the café we used to go to near school?"

I can practically feel Teryn thinking then nodding. "Probably. We all are still on campus for summer stuff, but let me just text Barbara. She got a new number."

I let our silent breath of relief. "So I'll meet you there around seven then..?"

"Yeah. They're stuff should end in a couple minutes, meet you there Lilla."

The most awkward phone conversation of my life ends and I quickly toss my sunglasses onto a desk in the cave as I run past it. No need for them when I'm around my friends.

"Alfred! I need to ask a favor from you." I call throughout the house.

Alfred appears from the kitchen and looks at me. "Yes Miss Lilla?"

I give him a small smile. "Could you drive me to the café? I know it's late but I'm meeting Barbara, Teryn, and Silas there to catch up."

He returns the smile and walks towards the door to grab the keys. "I would be happy to Miss Lilla, will Master Dick be joining you?"

I shake my head, didn't really want to ask him to come. He's at least had the opportunity to see our friends. I want some time with them by ourselves, it isn't much to ask. So I grab my phone, sticking it into my small purse along with my wallet and my EpiPen. I get into the car once Alfred brings it around. My right leg is bouncing quickly as we drive towards the café. I know it is almost twenty minutes till we are supposed to meet but the mansion is fifteen or so minutes away from school, which is conveniently annoying during school mornings.

"Are you alrighty Miss Lilla? If you are worried about how your friends would react, I think that they will forgive you."

I sigh quietly as I see my larger than life school growing closer.
"Yes but I can't tell them the truth, and a boarding school in Europe doesn't exactly explain why no writing or calls for a year and a half.."

Alfred looks back at me when we stop at red light. "I cannot tell you how they'll react, or how to handle it. But you're good friends with those three, so even if you argue you'll make up."

We pull up in front of the café and I hop out after quickly hugging Alfred. "I'll text you when I need to be picked up, or if I'm going over to their houses."

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