Chapter _5 Job Well Done

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\\Melissa POV//

I applied a few more strokes of my mascara as I kept getting ready for my show. It's Friday night and I was booked for a bachelor party is VIP. Sometimes, I felt bad for these guys's wives cause you know their guys are getting shows and lap dances from sexy women. But then again, girls do some of the same sh*t back so I can't put alot on this topic. I fixed my neon yellow corset as I walked down the narrow hallway to VIP. When I got there guys started chanting and getting their money ready. I smiled as I did my best move , the iron X , first. It seemed like when I did that one first I got more money so thats pretty much why I did it. Money flew in the air, almost like confetti. Thats why I love this job! I got money, a fitness workout, and sex all in one! I also had a son to provide for. I never really said anything but Malik (her son) Dad is actually James. I know what you bout to say "that skank!" But it was WAAY before they were together plus Anya didn't even know James back then and we never told her so no drama would happen. I regret it sometimes but life goes on.



I finished with a front hook move, collected my money, then left the room. I sat inside my dressing room and counted my money. I wound up with $500,000 but I had to give half to my boss, Rowland. I changed into my bleached skinny jeans, black flats with my black chanel sweatshirt. I swung my duffle over my shoulder, grabbed my phone, and went to Rowland's office. I knocked softly on the door peeking through it. "Come in Mel." He said. I walked in slowly and handed him his cut. "Good Job." He said counting it. Rowland and I had a brother/sister relationship outside of work. "How you been, everything good?" I asked. He nodded the put a rubberband over the money. "I might take you to lunch. I don't Imma have go see." I smiled to myself. Rowland was always sweet to me, to everyone else he was the devil. Including the other girls. "Iight I gotchu." I said leaving the room.


\\Antonio POV//

I smiled as I finished painting. "All done!" I said. "Ooooh lemme see!" Anya said smiling. I was over Anya's house painting for her just to be nice and hopefully get more points on this whole boyfriend thing. It was a black & white type photo with her posing with her arms over her head. She smiled as she admired it. "Its beautiful." She said. "Like you." I said looking at her. I wasn't trying to be cheesy but it was totally true! She looked down and smiled. "Your lucky your good lucking or I'd kick you out for saying that line." I laughed some then went to wash the paint of the brushes. "What do you wanna eat later?" She asked me. I wanted to say 'her' but I didn't wanna seem sleazy ir some sh*t so I just shrugged. "You cook ma?" I turned around and asked her. " Hell yeah I cook. I'm more than just a pretty face you know!" She smiled then took out a few pans from the cabinets. I just smiled. I was soo happy I even knew her. She was soo much like my mom, that was one of the things I loved about her. Guess I'm doing good with her cause shes actually stayed around.


I know this chapter was a little boring but I still wanted to update.

Tell me what you think Below!

xxx- Nicole 💋

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