Chapter 12_ Listen

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\\Antonio POV//

I woke up feeling groggy so I sat up. I looked around and I was on the couch with a blanket over me... at Roxanne's house. Man, I really fucked up! I sighed as I rubbed my face. "Roxanne!" I called, standing up and stretching. She came out of her bedroom looking tired as fuck! "What?" She asked me. "I want you to apologize to me, not only me but to Ayana too." "And if I don't?" She asked , raising her eyebrow. "I'll snitch on the police to you." She just laughed when I said that. "Oh Antonio, you must not have heard me last night when I said NOTHING or NO ONE will get in my way. Besides, I have proof that you like me back AND we had sex!" Roxy explained and yelled to me. "Now. What I'm gonna do is let you go to Ayana. Do whatever the fuck you were doing and I'll meet you after!" She told me, smiling then walking into the kitchen. I knew it was too good to be true but I had to see YaYa. I grabbed my things and left her place. When I finally got home, I took a shower and changed clothes. Hopefully Ayana would listen to what I had to say.


\\Ayana POV//

I was still tired from watching movies last night with Melissa so I just layed on the couch , still awake. Melissa spent the night since she was too lazy to go home. I jumped as I heard a knock on the door. I turned over and tried to ignore it. There it was again. "Uggh! ...Coming!" I yelled at whoever was at the door. I stood up , stumbling, and opened the door slowly. When I rubbed my eyes, all I saw were flowers. Behind these beautiful flowers was Antonio. "What do you want?" I asked folding my arms. "Look, let me just explain-" I put my hand upto his face, stopping him from talking. "No need. I have enough evidence to know you guys are the perfect couple." As I was about to close to door he stopped it with his hand, I sighed. "Roxanne and I may have had something in the past but your my one and only future. Ayana I love you and I know you love me." Even though he was right, I didn't believe him and I was still mad. "Antonio. I may love you but I've been through this too many times so to save myself the trouble, don't talk to me, call me, or even look at me when you see me." I explained to him. He let out a chuckle then I gave him a serious look. "I'm sorry. But can we atleast go out one last time?" He asked me, givi a pleading look. I guess I could go out with him one last time to cherrish it. "Fine." He flashed me a smile. "I'll pick you up in a few hours." I nodded as he left, I closed the door behind me. I looked over near the tv and Melissa gave me a smirk. "What?" I said. "You and Antonio are gonna get baaack together!" I looked at her and shook my head. "Naah. Its just this one date and after that its done." "Mhm." She said eye ballin' me. I eat a crossiant and orange juice for breakfast, took a shower, and began to get ready.


\\Melissa POV//

{Ayana's Outfit in External Link}

I knew Antonio and Ayana were gonna get back together because they loved each other too much to not be together. "Can I atleast help you get ready?" I asked Ayana, giving her my puppy dog eyes. "Alright, alright!" Ayana said, throwing her hands in the air. I smiled as I walked over to her closet.


'5:35 PM'

"Almost done....." I said to Ayana as I did her hair. I finished teasing out her curls and turned her spinning makeup chair to face the mirror. I smiled as Ayana laughed. "Thanks boo." "Your welcome. Now go have fun." "We'll see." She told me, getting up from the chair. Antonio had already told me what he was gonna do for YaYa while she was getting ready. It's gonna be so loving and thoughful. I soon heard the buzzer ,for a doorbell, ring. I smiled as I ran to the door. I opened it to reveal Antonio standing there with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Aww." I said, smiling. "Haha. Hey Mel, can I come in?" "Of course!" I said, opening the door wider for him to enter.


\\Antonio POV//

I smiled as I walked inside of Ayana's apartment. When she walked out of the room, I almost fainted. She looked so beautiful and stunning. "You look...amazing." I told her. "Savor it while you can." She advised me, doing a 360 spin. I gave a small smile as I handed her the bouquet of flowers. She took them then smelled them. I smile crept across her face. "Their beautiful." She told me. "Their custom made, just for you." I explained to her as she held them in her arms. She nodded as we walked towards the door. "You kids have fun tonight!" Melissa said, opening the door for us. We both laughed in sync which almost made my heart skip a beat. Man, I missed everything about her. From her amile to the way she walked. When we got downstairs, I opened my car door for her and she got in. I hoped and prayed she'd forgive me.


I pulled up to J'Adore , Ayana's favorite resturant. I had everything set up perfect! I had the whole place booked up to be empty and play some ofnher favorite songs. I got out the car and opened her door for her. "Thank you." Ayana said, giving a small smile. I smiled then nodded. When we got inside I instantly heard the singing of Maxwell flow throw the resturuant. I pulled out the chair on the balcony for Ayana to sit in and a warm amile stretched across her face. When we both sat down, we started talking. "How've you been?" I asked her. "Okay. How was your night with Roxanne?" I knew what she was starting and I wasn't up for it. "If you had listened to what I said earlier, I don't care about Roxanne." "I heard you when you said it the first time." "Then, why are you testing me so much?!" I asked her, getting a little loud. Before I could say anything the partnering waiter and waitress brough us wine and the food I already ordered for us in advance. "Thank you." Me and Ayana said in sync as the finished setting our food on the table. Ayana looked at me and cleared her throat. I started to eat but I felt like I was going to give up. "I test you so much to know if I can trust you." She explained to me.


\\Ayana POV//

I didn't mean to be so diffucult with Toni, I've just been hurt too many times. He just exhaled when I said that. "Lemme ask you something. Would you had married if Roxanne wouldn't had showed up and I would've proposed?" I hesitated to answer his question but I knew if I lied then it'd spiral into another fight. "...Yes. Would you.?" He gave me a small chuckle then stood up. "Ayana, I know your still a little built up about last night but I know we'll work it out. I love you with all my heart and you know that too well. I know I've fucked up in the past but we have to move on to the future. So with that said......" Antonio said, getting on one knee. A bunch of thoughts were racing through my head, too many to barely speak. "Ayana Brooklyn George, will you be my wife, friend, lover and ride or die?" I started crying slightly from all these emotions. I wiped my tears with my finger tips , "Antonio... I will be your wife and friend and love AND ride or die." I told him, getting up from my seat. He spun my atound in his arms and I held on as he did. When he let go, we both were smiling. He soon grabbed my hand and slipped this gorgeous ring onto my finger which made me teary eyed once again. "Its beautiful... but this must've costed a fourtune. You didn't have to spend so much money on me. " I explained to him. He shook his head and lifted my chin. "It was worth it. You deserve it. " He told me, planting his lips onto mine. I felt soo happy , it was like I was high! Melissa was right, all I should've done was listen.



Alot of emotions so just tell me how you feel!

Next chapter will be their wedding and the last chapter of this book!

Hope you Enjoyed this chapter!

xxx- Nicole

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