Babysitting the Weed Buddies

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~ Rida's Pov:

"I need more weed niqqs" Jessica told Vanessa.

"Here hoe." Vanessa passed the weed to Jessica.

"Ugh, can I just leave already? I don't want to babysit some fucked up girls who all they think about is weed!" I said. Jessica, Vanessa, Keiry, Karee, and Evelin have been paying me $20 an hour just to babysit them while they smoke weed. I don't even now why they need me. Can't they take care of them selves? They are 18 years old.

"Fuck you." Jessica yelled.

"Oh come on Rida, it's fun! You should join!" Vanessa said.

"No thanks, I'm good." I said getting up to get a drink.

"Where are you going?!" Keiry yelled. "Going to get a drink." I said. "Bring back some Vodka!" Jessica said. "No!" I yelled.

I don't want to babysit them getting drunk too. As I poured the lemonade on to my glass, I picked up my phone and called my best friend, Theresa.

"Heyyyyy!" Theresa said over the phone.

"Hi." I sighed. "What's wrong?" Theresa asked. "It's Jessica and her friends again. They're doing their stupid weed again." I said. "I thought I told her to lay off the weed!" Theresa said. "Like she's going to listen. Plus you're all the way in California and we're all the way here in New York." I said. "I'll try to come to New York, I promise. I still have to get money." Theresa said.

"RIDA HURRY UP!" Evelin yelled.

I sighed. "I have to go take care of the weed buddies right now. I have to go bye." I said. "Bye." Theresa hanged up.

"Finally you're back our servant." Karee giggled. "Yeah, I'm not your servant." I said.

"I think we're done here, you can clean up." Keiry said. "Oh & can you also help me get up and walk"

"You have legs, use it. And I'm not gonna clean up. That's your job." I said.

"Whatever bitch." Jessica got up.

"Oh my gosh, what is wrong with you guys? What even made you want to smoke weed?" I said. They all stayed silent. "Well? Tell me? Why does doing weed make you guys happy? How did you guys even try it?" I asked. They all said nothing and walked back inside the house.

They're hiding something.


A/N: Hehehe, helllllooooooo. Well I got this story idea from my friends who are very interested in doing weed.

Yeah so just so you know, Keiry is pronounced 'Katie' not 'Carrie' or something like that.

Yes, I am the auothor who wrote "Not A Love Story" You should totally read that story if you haven't.

This story is for my friends but of course you all can read too. It's a very interesting story.


AND READ "Not A Love Story" IF YOU HAVEN'T READ (updating that tomorrow)

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