Chapter 10: She left

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~ Rida's Pov:

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Yes- ugh I know. Okay, bye." I hanged up the phone.

"Who was that?" Zayn asked. "Oh, that was my mom." I said. "Oh well, wanna grab some pizza?" Zayn asked. "Oh, no. I was actually about to go somewhere." I said. "Where? By yourself?" Zayn asked. "No, I'm going with Jessica. Don't worry I know my way back. I'll be back in a few." I said leaving.


~ Harry's Pov:

I saw Jessica playing with Lux. She was so good to her. I couldn't help but smile at their cuteness. Jessica will probably make a great mother. She's doing so well with Lux, which is weird because I thought all she cared about was weed.

"Peek-a-boo!" Jessica said while Lux laughed.

"Seems like you're doing a great job." I said. "Well, I have a little sister at home so." Jessica said. "Oh, you do? What's her name?" I asked. "Sophia. Yeah, but don't mention Sophia to Rida, she'll go all goo goo ga ga over her." Jessica laughed.  I laughed also.

It seems like everyday I find out more and more about Jessica. Sometimes I wish I didn't, she is so dirty. I chuckled.

"What?" Jessica asked. "Oh no, I was just thinking about you." I said.

She looked down and I can tell she was blushing.

"Best day ever!" Keiry, Jeff, and Vanessa walking in.

"What happened?" Jessica asked. "We killed like about 3 people. I'm so glad Keiry and Jeff got me into this." Vanessa said. "Now Keiry baby, it's time for you and me alone time." Jeff smirked and winked. "Let's get it baby." Keiry said as her and Jeff walked away.

Hm, I wonder if his dick is as white as his face. Wait - why am I even thinking about that?

"Hey guys." Zayn said as everyone else came in. "Sup." Vanessa said.

"Hey, Jessica what are you doing here?" Zayn asked. "What do you mean? Am I not suppose to be here?" Jessica asked confused. "No, I just thought you went out with Rida?" Zayn said. "No, she told me she was going somewhere with Amethyst." Jessica said. "What the fuck, she told me she was going with Zayn somewhere." Vanessa said.

"Weird..." Karee said. "Should we go look for her?" I asked. "I think that'll be the right thing to do. Lets go gang." Liam said.


~ Jessica's Pov:

"RIDA! RIDA!" I shouted on the streets looking for her. "Damn it, where could she be?" I said. "I don't know, but she's obviously up to something." Harry said who was with me. "I'm worried. What happens if she's smoking weed without me?! WITHOUT ME!" I said. "I'm sure she's not doing that." Harry laughed.

"Did you guys find her?" Niall asked coming up to us with Vanessa. "No. She could be anywhere." I said. "Lets keep looking Niall said.

"How about we call her?" Vanessa said. "I'll do that right now." I said getting out my phone.

"It's ringing." I said. "Put it on speaker." Niall said.

I putted it on speaker.

"Hey, this is Rida! Sorry I couldn't pick up your call. I'm on a plane right now but I'm sure when I land, I'll call back. PEACE!" Rida's voicemail said.

"On a plane?!" I said. "Where is this bitch going?!" Vanessa said. "Lets go tell everyone else." Harry said.


Finally we saw the rest of the group. They were at an ice cream shop.

"Are you serious? You're eating ice cream?" Vanessa said. "It's good. You want?" Louis asked.

"Listen, we have even bigger news. We know where Rida is." I said. "Really? Great! Where?" Zayn jumped up. "Well, where is she?" Zayn asked.

"She's on a plane." Harry said.

"What?!" Eveyone jumped up.



Hope you liked this one!!!

Ohhhh, where do you think Rida went? Why do you think she left?


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