Chapter 2: Don't tell her.

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~ Rida's Pov:

All of us girls were at the mall. Finally, a day where I don't have to babysit them doing weed. At least we finally get a day out together.

"I need some weed man." Jessica said as we walked around the mall.

"What you need is help." I said.

"Let's go buy a CD. I need one to listen to while we smoke our weed." Keiry said. "Good idea!" Jessica said walking into the store.

Ugh, great. Well at least I can pick out a CD for myself.

I went to the 'New Releases' section. I need to find a good album.

"One Direction: Take Me Home"  Yes! Finally, they released it! I had to get it. I walked up to the girls.

"You guys, I'm gonna buy this album, kay?" I said.

"Hey, isn't that the boys who -" Vanessa said but got cut off. "SHH!" Jessica cut off Vanessa. "Oh yeah, oops, sorry." Vanessa said. "What?" I asked confused. "What the hell, they never told us they were famous." Keiry said. "I never liked them faggots." Evelin said. "Well they make us happy. Remember?" Jessica said. "Oh yeah, that's why I like them." Evelin said. "I'm confused." I said. "Do you guys know them?" I asked. "No we don't. Just by their album." Jessica said. "Mhm.. kay." I said going to the counter paying for the album.

"Fuck man, can we go home now?!" Vanessa said. "But you guys promised no weed today, and we spent the whole day at the mall!" I said. "Ugh, right. Fine, let me just pay for my album then we can go." Karee said going to the counter.

"So what were you guys talking about One Direction? How do they make you happy?" I asked. "Because we're such great fans." Jessica said. "But Keiry just said that you guys didn't even knew they were famous." I said. "Can we just please fucking go?" Jessica said leaving the store.

Roar, someone's on their time of month. I sighed and walked out with the rest of them.

"Hey um Rida, can you buy us a hotdog. All of us." Jessica said with a kind smile. "I can't get all 5 of you hotdogs." I said. "I don't even like hotdogs." Vanessa said. "Um, yes you do. Now can you please get it." Jessica gave me a puppy dog face. "I'm not paying for all five of you." I said. "Here, god dammit." Keiry gave me the money. "Kay brb." I said walking away as the rest of the girls found a nice table to sit at. 


~ Jessica's Pov:

"You niqqas almost fucking told her! Cough, Vanessa!" I yelled. "Sorry, I forgot." Vanessa said. "If she finds out, she'll kill us." Keiry said. "I just can't believe they never told us." Karee said. "I know right. Now can you please get some weed for us." I gave Karee a puppy dog face. "Do you think there's actually gonna be weed at the mall?" Karee said. "Go find!" I said. "I'm too lazy." Karee said. "Fuck you." I stuck up the middle finger at her.

"I'm back." Rida came back giving all of us the hotdogs she baught. "Ugh, nevermind I want pizza." I said. "Yeah, no. Get it yourself!" Rida said. "Fine, i'll eat the dog." I said.

I picked up the weenie and started to wiggle it. "Haha look, a dancing weenie." I laughed. The other girls laughed too.

"Okay you guys, I rented us a movie we can watch together." Rida said all excited. "Ugh, movies?!" Evelin whined. "Yes, now hurry up and eat so we can go." Rida said. "What kind of movie?" I asked. "Ted and Pitch Perfect." Rida said. "I love those movies! Lets watch niggas." Keiry said.

We all hurried up and ate and went back to Keiry's house.


~ Rida's Pov:

"Which movie do you guys want to see first?" I asked. "Lets watch Ted. I never saw it and I always wanted to." Vanessa said. I put the movie in the DVD player. 

"I'll get the popcorn!" Jessica, the queen of popcorn, getting up and getting the popcorn. We all got on the couch and watched the movie.


We were half way through the movie, still laughing our heads off. All of a sudden, the door bursts open.

"We're back." A person with a harsh, raspy voice said.

"Oh yeah, it's you. What was your name again - Larry? Carry? Um.." Keiry said.

"OMG, YOU'RE HARRY STYLES!" I screamed. What was he doing here?! Oh my gosh, I'm not breathing.


A/N: Hehehe yay new part.

Well, I got out of school early today, WOOP! So I decided to write this since some people *cough* Vanessa *Cough* Were waiting for a 2nd chapter. Well it's up!

Kay so I hope a lot of people like this story. :D

Don't forget to read my other story, "Not A Love Story" Okay, that story is fab. Lmao.


Kay well yeah. Thanks for reading and stay tunned for more <3 xoxo ily

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