Chapter 4: "We kidknapped her."

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~ Rida's Pov:

I woke up in a bed. The place looked really expensive. Where was I? I don't remember a thing. My head was hurting really badly. I felt a small bump on it. Did I hit something? Or did something hit me? I looked around and saw someone sitting down, staring at me.

"Morning." Zayn said.

I was about to scream, but I tried to keep myself under control. I'm sure he was probably sick and tired of the screaming he gets everyday from other fangirls, so I should give them a break.

"Where am I?" I asked. "Your new place. Well, just for a while." Zayn said getting up, closer to me.  Oh god, he is even more beautiful in person.

"Why am I here?" I asked. I didn't have a problem, but I still wanted to know. "We need you." Oh hell yeah baby you need me. Okay, I think it's time to stop and get serious.

"Why do you need me?" I asked. "You ask too many questions." He said getting out of the room.

"You still didn't answer my question!" I yelled.  Sigh.

The place looked really cool. Wow, can I just live here forever? I checked my phone and saw 4 missed calls from Karee. What did she want? Then I checked the time, "3:39" Shit, I was suppose to babysit them while they smoked weed. Should I call back? Maybe not, the boys obviously took me for some secret. They probably didn't want no one to know I was here. But why shouldn't I call them? Its not like I'm going to tell them. I dialed Karee's number.

"Finally you called back. Where are you? I had to babysit the other mother fuckers and not do weed because of you!" Karee yelled over the phone. "I'm sorry. It's just that I'm busy." I lied. "Busy with what?" Jessica said. The phone was on speaker.

"What are you doing?" Niall said coming into my room.

"Shit, I have to go. Bye."

"Wait was that Ni-" I quickly hung up.

"You didn't tell them anything, did you?" Niall asked. "Of course not." I said. "Come downstairs." Niall told me. I did as what he had told me.

I walked down the most beautiful staircase I had ever seen. The house was so big and beautiful. I walked down to see the boys sitting down on a couch. I also took a seat, waiting for one of them to talk.

"So Rida, you mean a lot to the other girls right?" Louis asked. "I mean I guess. I just watch them smoke weed thats it." I said. "So you babysit them?" Niall asked. "Yep." I said.

"So do you have the money?" Liam asked. "Money? For what?" I asked. "Well, your friends owe us a lot of money." Harry said. "Why do they owe you money?" I asked. "Because the weed they smoke is ours. They took about like over 100 of them and they said they were gonna pay us but tick tock, times running out." Harry said. "What does this have to do with me?" I asked. "Because, if they want their babysitter back, they're gonna have to pay our price first." Niall said. "So you're just going to keep me here till they pay up?" I said. "Yup." Zouis said. "Wow, who knew you boys had a little dark side in you." I said. "Who said we didn't?" Zayn said. Yow.

"Well boys, what are you guys going to do with me?" I asked. By the look of their faces, they were thinking dirty. "You'll be fine." Niall said. I nodded and trusted him with his words. Like, what can the biggest boyband on earth do to me?

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked. "We have a concert. I don't know about you." Louis said. "Can I come?" I asked hoping for a yes. "Sure." Zayn said. Yes! I fangirled quietly inside. "Get ready quick." Harry said getting up and running to get ready.

"Wait- I don't have any clothes." I said. "Of course we got you clothes. If you're going to say here, you'll need clothes. Go upstairs to your room and check out your closet." Niall said.

I went upstairs to the room I was in. "OMG!" I said as I opened the closet doors and looked at the clothes. "These clothes must've cost a fortune." I said going through the clothes. "They were. Now get ready babe." Zayn said suprising me with a jump then left.

I'm deff. gonna keep these clothes.


We were in the car and Louis was driving. I looked at my phone and saw Jessica calling. Great, it was time for their 2nd weed in the day. "Who is it?" Niall asked. "Jessica. Should I answer?" I asked. "Yes, and put it on speaker." Harry said.

"Hello." I answered. "Rida! Where are you?!" Jessica asked. "I told you I'm busy." I said. "Well, we need you." Jessica said. "I'm sorry, but I won't be babysitting you guys for a while." I said. "Why?" Jessica asked. Harry took the phone from me. "Because we kidknapped her," he said.

"Harry?!" Jessica yelled. "That's right. If you want your babysitter back, give us the money!" Harry said. "But -" He then hanged up. He handed me back the phone and smiled.


~ Harry's Pov:

We were finally at the arena.

"Who's she?" Paul asked. "Come with me." Zayn told Rida and took her to the dressing room.

"She's a friend. She's fine." I said. "I don't like what you boys are doing here." Paul said. "Don't worry, we'll take care of her." I said. "Good, because I already have enough taking care of you boys." Paul said walking away. Shit, I hope we know whar we're doing here also.


~ Rida's Pov:

"Wait a minute," I said. "What?" Zayn asked. "We're at MSG aren't we? Holy shit, I totally forgot you guys were playing here tonight." I said. Alright, don't cry. "How'd you know?" Zayn asked. "Well, I am a directioner. I know a lot." I said. "Well, you're right." Zayn said. "Wow, this is so cool." I said. "Well, I'm going to get ready for the show, If you need me, just call." Zayn said leaving.

I screamed as loud as I could. Finally, I got that out. I was trying to get that out since this morning.

"Is everything okay?" Zayn asked barging in. "Yeah, I just saw a spider." I said stomping on the ground pretending there was spider there. He smirked and giggled then left.

I quietly fangirled to myself.


A/N: WOOHOOO FINALLY UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Kay, so i'm probably gonna update my other story tomorrow because I can't today.

If you didn't know, I'm grounded and I can't go on the computer / phone / anything else that is fun.

My parents are so cruel to me :(            kay but anyways I hoped you liked this one! WOOP




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