Chapter 17: The End?

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~ Jessica's Pov: 

It's been about over 2 months since we stayed here in London. The boys have been preforming and us girls would just watch. But sadly, this trip has to come into an end. As much as we all loved staying here, we had to focus on college. Okay yeah, a girl like me focus on education? You probably would think I wouldn't give 1 fuck but it's kinda true but yet it isn't. Living life with One Direction had to end. Plus, it was great here. I even have a boyfriend, woop! No, It's not that curly dude Harry Styles. I wish, but it isn't. But I'm totally fine with the one I have right now. His name is Christofer Drew and he's a musician. He's also in a band. He's In NeverShoutNever and I love their band. Their style of music is the same as mine. Indie music. I love indie music a lot so I'm glad I'm dating someone in an indie band. Right now, I'm listening to their music while packing my bags.

"Hey love." Harry said walking in. I couldn't hear him because of my headphones in. He yanked the earbuds out of my ear. "Hey, what's your problem?! I was listening to music." I said. "You shouldn't even listen to that shit." Harry said. "Excuse me? That 'shit' happens to be my boyfriend singing. And, I love their music." I said, kept on putting clothes in my bag. "No, listen to my music." Harry said. "Now that music is shit." I said. "You're shit." Harry said. I gasped a little. "Fuck you Styles. I'm glad I'm leaving this place anyways." I said. He grabbed my arm and turned my face to face him. "I don't want to be fighting on your last day here. I'm sorry." He said looking me in the eyes. "Fuck off." I said yanking my arm. "Babe, come on." Harry said. I kept on ignoring him and put my headphones back in my ear, ignoring the world.

He quickly yanked them off and dropped me on the bed. "The hell?!" I sceamed. "You're not leaving here without my goodbye sex." He whispered in my ear.


~ Rida's Pov:

I was in my room with Theresa. Both of us were packing up.

"Did you like it here in London?" I asked Theresa. "Loved it! Too bad we're leaving." Theresa sighed. "I know right. You didn't even get your sex with Niall like you've been dreaming about." I laughed a little. "Oh don't worry babe, I got that covered." Theresa winked. "You had sex with him?!" I asked. "Yup, probably the best sex ever." Theresa said. "Omg, when?!" I asked. "A few weeks ago. Yeah, we were all alone, you guys left, we had nothing to do, we fell for eachother, had great sex, and never told anyone about it. But remember, don't tell Vanessa." Theresa said. I laughed. "Wow, things get dirty here in London right." I said.

"And what about you and Zayn?" Theresa asked. "What about me and Zayn?" I said. "Something dirty happened with you guys?" Theresa said. "Something dirty always happens with us." I laughed. "But no, we're fine." I said.

"Are you gonna miss him?" Theresa asked. "Of course! I'm gonna miss everyone how they always make us laugh." I said. "I just can't believe I actually got to hung out with One Direction. I even had sex with 1/5 of them hollaa!" Theresa cheered. I giggled a little. "Well, say goodbye to it all because we're going home." I said.

"HELLO, AM I INTERUPTING? I HOPE NOT. WELL YOU GUYS GET READY, WE ARE GOING OUT SOMEWHERE TONIGHT TO SAY OUR FINALS GOODBYE ALRIGHT?!" Louis screamed, barging into our room. "Where are we going?" Theresa asked. "THAT'S A SURPRISE! NOW LOOK GOOD, WEAR A DRESS, OR A STRIPPERS OUTFIT, I DON'T KNOW I'M NOT A GIRL. WE LEAVE 5:30" Louis screamed. "But it's 4:30 right now?! I can't get ready in 1 hour." I said. "TOO BAD, NOW HURRY UP!" Louis left.

"Great, after I just put all my clothes in the bag! Now I have to take everything out to find something good to wear." I said.

"OH YEAH, WE BOUGHT CLOTHES FOR YOU ALREADY! THEY'RE IN THE CLOSET SO LOVE IT" Louis said coming in again and then leaving.

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