Chapter 13: Not funny at all.

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~ Zayn's Pov:

"Thank you all for enjoying our flight entertainment." The pilot said on the speaker.


I can't believe the whole 'plane crashing' was just a joke. How the hell is that funny?!

"I'm gonna kill that bitch." Vanessa said about the pilot.

"I had a fucking heart attack." Karee said.

"Shit man, I was smoking weed and then this bullshit happens." Keiry said.

"Are we at New York yet?" Amethyst said.

"I think we almost are. Hopefully, without any jokes like that." Harry said.

"Shit, I even left Rida a voicemail telling her the planes crashing. She probably thinks I'm dead right now." I said.

"Call her quick. Tell her we're all okay and tell her to meet us at the airport." Liam said.

"Okay." I quickly dialled Rida's number.


~ Rida's Pov:

"Rida, eat something. At least do something. You've been in bed all day." Theresa said.

"No, I'm too upset to do anything." I said still sobbing.

"Trust me Rida, you're not the only one feeling like this. I bet all the directioners probably found out the news and they're sobbing too." Theresa said.

I just kept crying.

"This is all my fault. If I didn't leave and put that stupid voicemail, they wouldn't be on that plane and then crashed. It's all my fault. It's all my fault they died." I sobbed even more.

"No, don't say that. It's not your fault." Theresa said. "Yes it is." I said crying.

Then my phone started to ring.

"Stupid phone, shut up!" I said throwing the phone to the wall then it broke.

"Rida, why would you do that?!" Theresa asked.

"I don't want to talk to anyone." I said.


~ Zayn's Pov:

"Shit, she didn't answer." I said.

"Do you think she's okay?" Liam asked.

"I don't know. I hope so." I said.

"Poor Rida must feel horrible. She thinks all of us is dead, why would she even want to answer any calls? She's probably sobbing." Jessica said.

Hearing that makes me want to sob. I don't want Rida to be hurt and cry.

"Well, doesn't she check the caller ID? If she saw it was Zayn's, why wouldn't she pick it up?" Harry said.

"I'll call her." Jessica said.

A few minutes later passed, and after all these calls we made to Rida, she just wouldn't pick up her phone. I'm really worried. Why isn't she answering?


~ Jessica's Pov:

"Call her mom. Maybe Rida's with her mom." Vanessa said.

"Good idea." I said calling her mom.

"Hello, Mrs. Q?" I said. "Yes?" She answered. "Yeah, it's Jessica. Rida's friend. And I was just wondering if Rida is with you." I said. "No, she isn't." Her mother said. "Do you know where she is?" I asked. "No. Why, is everything okay?" She asked. "Yeah, everythings fine. In fact, if you see her or talk to her, just tell her everythings fine and we're all fine." I said. "Okay, goodbye." Her mother hanged up.

"What happened?" Zayn asked.

"Her mom doesn't even know where Rida is." I said.

"What about a friends house? Do you know anyone Rida could possibly stay with?" Louis asked.

"Well there's this girl, Theresa. But she lives in California and Rida can't be there." I said.

"Yeah, Rida's probably not there. Maybe somewhere else." Vanessa said.

"When we go to New York, we'll find her." Harry said.

"But are you sure she's in New York?" Louis said.

"Where else would she go?" Karee said.

"Maybe she went back to London. I don't think she's in New York." Louis said.

"I'll call Paul right now to check on her." Harry said.


~ Harry's Pov:

As I pulled out my phone, I did notice I got a call from Paul.

"Paul called. Wonder what he wanted." I said. "Well, call him back." Zayn said.

"Harry, are you at New York yet?" Paul said as he picked up. "No, but we are close." I said. "Well, come back to London." Paul said.

"No, I can't. Remember, we have to find Rida." I said. "I already found her." Paul said.

"You found her?!" I said.

As I said that out loud, everyone turned and looked at me.

"Yes, she's here in London. The voicemail was old since she first came here to London. That voicemail was for when she came here." Paul said.

"That's great news. We're on our way back to London." Harry said.

"What happened?" Everyone asked, concerned.

"Rida's been in London all this time. That voicemail was old." I said.

"So we flew here for nothing?" Jessica said. I nodded.

"Alright, we're here in New York." The pilot said.

"Oh no we're not. I'm gonna tell him to fly us back ASAP." Niall said getting up and going towards where the pilot is.




Lol, no. I wasn't planning on ending it this early.

Well, what did you guys think of this part? Pretty interesting.



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