they say

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they say she's gone insane, that she's just gone crazy. her hair is so big because it's full of anger, they say. her world is covered in darkness, and she's shrouded. and that day, when she cried, they say she was just in a bad mood. but that night, when she whispered to the sky, the sky never responded and the stars didn't speak. the stars sat, flaccid and silent, ignoring her. they ignored her. 

they say she's ugly, they say she's always grumpy. grumpy? grumpy? 

the reason she's crying and breaking down and running and screaming and praying that no one ever sees, they say, is because it's just the way she is. 

but that day, in the silence, when all you could hear was sobbing echoing around the walls, they had nothing to say. when she sat right there in front of them, head down, dripping tears, no one said a thing. 

look around and you can see her, standing behind every corner, biting back tears and wishing to be released. they say she's creepy, she scares them. she watches them at night and they say she's too dumb to be alive. 

but they say she's alive. they say she's alive, but tomorrow they won't say that anymore. because she listens to what they say. they say she's watching them at night, but she isn't. she's watching herself, being stripped away until she is nothing but a shell of bones and muscle, no flesh left for them to say she is fat. 

they say they are just being honest, not mean. but what they say is wrong. all of it, wrong. 

so she sits and she listens to what they say, late at night in the darkest corner of her mind. they say she is dumb and they say she will never amount to anything. 

they say she will never grow up to be anything. 

she says the one time they say something true, they will regret it forever.


inspired by  nostalgiia and  the first chapter of their wonderful book "florilegium". 

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