bucket list

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there's a long list of things i want to do before i die.

but that list is much too long to even write down, and they are things i secretly check off in my mind.

but there is a list of things i want to do before high school, to make my mark. i call it my middle school bucket list, which is a self-explanatory title in itself. 

the most basic things i can think of:

- put some positive graffiti in a bathroom stall. i'm planning a long speel about judging others or just an interesting quote.

- stand up for someone in the halls.

- go a full week and don't say anything negative about anyone.

- go a full week without talking (or as little as possible since teachers)

- get something stolen from me and simply smile when you see someone else using it. (except for my phone or my instrument...)

- go on a real vacation, even if it's just in my mind.

- be nice for a change.

- give a random person a hug.

- get another kiss to cover up my "first kiss" that i hated and was sort of forced into. (this one's already been checked off. i promise i'm not a slut, but summer was pretty cool.)

- stop being the first one to text for a week and see who actually wants to talk.

- stop chasing hopeless causes.

- get rid of all my crushes or tell them before january.

- fall in love for real, and end it on good terms rather than heartbreak. (working on this one right now...)

- go a full 24 hours "unplugged" = no electronics, no wifi, no phone, NOTHING. just sit around and do something productive. 

- say "i love you" to someone and actually mean it. (this one's done, but i liked it.)

- help someone else feel better about themselves. (just basically a life rule for me. eh.)

- fall back in love with writing. (i'm working on it.)

- finish at least half of the book i'm writing during school. (it's called 'twinkling lights'.)

- spread some hope.

- make 10 new friends.

- forgive and forget at least 5 grudges. (3 to go.)

- smile, because it's cooler than acting tough.

- write on a wall with sharpie.

- forgive myself if i don't complete these goals.

- remember it's just a bucket list.

- live like i'm alive.

- and laugh.

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