happy ending

26 4 0

she looks younger than she is
with her round face and big eyes,
her cropped brown hair,
and her steep bangs that
cover just one eye.

wearing blue jeans that are too long for her,
rolled up to the ankle,
wearing sandals that show off
her ugly dancer's feet.

baggy t-shirt hides a supermodel figure
swimsuit covers all her skin,
underweight and yet unhappy with
a slight pouch of fat at her stomach.
thin and yet,
self-conscious of thighs that look fat
when she sits down.

her every thought is perfectly calculated,
her bangs cover the bad side of her face,
the eye that's not quite as arched as the other,
and not as perfectly wide.

but he...

he looks just his age,
maybe a little older,
long black hair that sweeps forward
and covers acne around
his pale skin.

he is taller than her
but falls a bit short
of his genetic expectations,
even so,
he's heavy and muscular,
but looks so thin under his
favorite white shirt.

he doesn't eat much,
in fact he's still underweight,
but he won't believe
that he's perfectly healthy.

he thinks she's adorable,
a cute little girl,
that likes to watch him
play video games.

she thinks he's perfect,
her best friend
in the whole world.
he's kind to her
and talks to her
late into the night.

but their love
won't last long
because in three years
their love will be a felony
of underage bliss.

he's only a bit older than her
but it seems like sometimes they
are worlds apart
and she waits for when he leaves
for college
and she will have
hollow years
of high school

but he waits for when she gets
out of college
and they will have years
filled with
and wondrous

and she watches
as he falls in love
with another girl
because sometimes
things don't always
end perfectly.

she doesn't get the boy
and he doesn't get the girl
and mere human beings
are not
strong enough
to wait
for each other.

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