uʍop əpısdn

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they turn me upside down and right-side up, and back and forth, and spin my head. they tell me to be this and that, ask me what happened, why am i this now?

she asks me to go back, begs me to just be me. stop pretending, she pleads, to be something you're not. it's not rebellion, he says, it's just plain dumb. it's not worth it just to make a statement, they tell me, you're throwing your life down the drain.

but what if it's not for rebellion's sake, and this is me?

what would you do then, force another "me" upon me?

long brown curls and a flirty smile may have been me before, but it was just a mask.

now, shaved and short blond, red lips, long tongue, and a rockstar pose - this is me.

so you can save your time turning me upside down and shaking me like something will fall out. i'm not as in pieces as you'd like to think. this is the most together i've ever been.

so next time you call and tell me that i can still change, i'd like to save you the trouble.

because, for the last time, you have to hear me.

i am not upside-down.

and this is the best me you will ever get to see.

* inspired by the one and only miley cyrus and her beautiful songs that no one heard because they were too focused on her image *

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