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Wisteria was the color of her. He knew wisteria was the color of her, because she was wisteria. Her name may have been Lily, but she was not the color of a regular old lily. She was a special color. Wisteria.

Wisteria was somewhere between periwinkle and gray. It was not as serendipitous as periwinkle, but it was certainly not as mundane as gray. Wisteria was her color. In his mind, her name was Wisteria. He did not call her Lily, but Wisteria.

It did not matter what he called her, though, because she would not hear.

He put the knife down on the table and stared at the wisteria-painted walls, trying his best to imagine that the color of the blood splattered everywhere was the color wisteria. Because, if she was wisteria, then her blood must be wisteria.

Not red.


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