Meeting New People

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As we got in the car Michael looks at me "I hope you're excited! its not everyday someone gets to come to soundcheck" He says while fighting a laugh

"yea sure" I scoffed.


We pulled up and Michael got out and I did the same.

there were a handful of girls out front that started screaming

"I love you Michael!!!" one girl yells and runs up to him,

he laughs "go on inside Y/N, tell the guys I'll be a minute, Im going to meet some fans" he smiled

"okay I'll meet you inside" I smiled and walked inside.

I poked my head around the door and slowly walked in the soundcheck room

"um hi? I'm Y/N, Michael's cousin" I say shyly as their heads shoot up to look at me

"wheres Michael?" one of them asks, Im assuming it was Ashton.

I should probably mention that I'm not crazy about 5sos, I mean- I support Michael- but I don't pay much attention.

"He's out meeting fans he says he'll be a minute" I look around for a place to sit as I felt awkwardly uncomfortable

"can I sit?" I asked as I walked up to one of them who was sitting on the couch with an open seat next to him

"sure" he said and scooched over

"so um, who are you?" I asked as they all looked at me like I was crazy

"I'm Luke, thats Calum and that one over there is Ashton" said the one I sat next to

"okay cool, Michael talks about you guys a lot but never thought to tell me who is who" I laughed

"well thats not a question we hear everyday" Ashton laughed, the whole time I realized Calum was very quiet, he must be shy.

"I'm back!" Michael yelled as the door swung open

"well that only took you two years" Luke laughed and stood up

"lets get this soundcheck started!" Michael yelled and picked up his guitar

"yeah!" Ashton yelled and got on his drums

"well I'm just gunna go sit over there" I said and sat as far away from them as possible, I'm not gunna lie I felt like an outsider while I was there.

after the soundcheck we all walked outside, Calum still hasn't said a word to me but I've caught him staring at me a few times.

"well see you guys tomorrow" Michael hugged each of them and got in the car.

I waved and got in as well

"so what did you think?" Michael asked

"well, Luke and Ashton seemed very nice but Calum was, err, how do I put it?" I paused

"quiet?" Michael asked trying to finish my sentence

"yea, quiet" I smiled

"he's just shy, give him some time and you'll regret ever calling him quiet" he laughed

"okay" I shrugged as he drove me back to my house and dropped me off

"see you later" I yelled and ran inside as he drove off


HEYY GUYS!! sorry for again a short chapter but I'm in a time crunch :( hope you like the story so far! <3  XP love you guys! peace out!

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