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-chapter has nothing to do with tattoos this is just the ending where reader chooses Calum-

The car finally pulled up at the new park. It was way better than the old one, obviously.

Lilly and Michael spun around on the carousel giggling like middle schoolers.

While Ashton was doing back flips off the swing

Calum, Luke and I were sat on the bench, me in between them, none of us saying a word.

"So... Have you--" Calum began but I cut him off

"Yes. Yes I have." Luke looked at me with eager eyes and Calum smiled softly

I looked at Luke and gave him a sad expression "I choose Calum."

Luke's face dropped in .5 seconds
(*cough* of summer *cough*)

Then he forced a smile "okay"

I looked at Calum then back at Luke.

"So this means we're through. Okay?" I stated, just making sure.

"Okay" he gave an understanding nod of the head

I turned back to Calum and hugged him

I knew Luke wasn't happy but after all this time with Luke I realized that I want Calum. I've always wanted Calum.

-two years later-

I sat on the toilet awaiting answers.

I looked down at the stick covered in urine.

"Positive..." I said quietly

I quickly leaped from my not-so-comfy spot on the toilet seat and pulled up my pants

"POSITIVE!!" I yelled in joy

I ran out of the room, making sure to flush because that's very important, no sarcasm intended.

I ran down the hall to the kitchen where Calum sat on the counter

"Positive!!" I yelled just a tad bit quieter that the last time I yelled

I looked at my favorite person in the whole wide world as he jumped from the counter and hugged me.

"That's wonderful!" He cheered

I smiled and kissed his nose

"We're gunna be parents" I whispered

"I have to tell the guys!" He let go of me and picked up his phone. I laughed softly and sat down on the couch, playing with my wedding ring.

"Please be a girl" I smiled to myself and turned on the tv.

-Calum's POV-

"Yeah! I'm gunna be a dad!"

"holy balls that's amazing!" I heard Michael yell from the other end

"That's great!" Georgia cheered

Georgia is Luke's girlfriend of a year now.

They recently got engaged and are living happily together.

Lilly broke up with Michael a few months ago because of some Italian painting retreat where she met this guy and fell in love with him or whatever. Michael's now screwing around with random girls but his main girl is this chick named Mary. She's nice.

And Ashton... Ashton is just kinda... Yeah... There's not really any words for Ashton... He's been going out with this one girl, her name is Brookie. They're both really... Loud...

"Congratulations!" Ashton yelled obviously from across the room

"Go make her some pie! Don't just stay here talking to us!" Luke laughed and hung up

I don't know how to make pie...

I walked into the living room and found Y/N passed out on the couch

I just sat down and cuddled up next to her, throwing a blanket over the both of us.

"You'd better be a boy" I whispered towards Y/N's stomach.


darn you Italians I was just starting to like Milly!
Lol jk I love all ya'll

Xoxo ~Halle

Tough Choices (Calum x Reader x Luke)Where stories live. Discover now