Underwear, Roses And Arguments

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We got back to the stadium and the guys got ready and pumped up.

Ashton flexed his arm muscles and growled "HULK READY TO ROCK!!"

I seemed to be the only one laughing with Ashton

"Five minutes boys!" Someone said from behind a door "let's rock this show like its the last one we'll ever do!" Michael yelled and ran around in circles, obviously he was still hyped on sugar.

Ashton walked out, assumably to his drum kit to start the intro. And the others grabbed their guitars while Calum grabbed his bass, and then they went down the hall that Ashton just disappeared down. Of course I followed them, I wanna see them preform live, that'd be a great experience.

-Calum's POV-

"Alright Sydney are you ready to rock?!" Ashton yelled and started drumming as screams filled the stadium

"And go in three... Two... One!"

Luke, Michael and I all walked out and began playing Try Hard


Towards the end of the concert we played She Looks So Perfect, as usual.

And as we were playing, a pair of underwear got caught on the edge of Michael's guitar and messed up half of the song. It was hilarious.

We got off stage as a few people threw flowers at us and Luke grabbed a rose off of the ground and continued to walk off stage with me following behind him

"Y/N!! I GOT YOU A PRESENT!!" Michael yelled swinging the underwear that got caught on his guitar in front of her face "EW!" She screeched and pushed him away laughing

I sat down and she sat down next to me, I won't lie, I felt kinda warm inside knowing that she wanted to sit next to me

Then Luke ruined it and squished in between us.

Y/N giggled and my heart skipped a beat. Her laugh was adorable.

-Luke's POV-

When I saw Calum next to Y/N I immediately felt jealous. I don't think Calum would like her but still, just to be sure I squished in between them

And when Y/N giggle I saw Calum smile a huge cheesy grin and new automatically that I had competition.

I decided to hand Y/N the rose that I picked up while walking off the stage

"Awe thank you!" She blushed and took it

I could feel Calum glaring into the back of my skull and I could hear him grinding his teeth but I didn't care, I was to consumed in Y/N's beauty

"All packed up!" Ashton walked back into the dressing room, honestly I didn't even know he left but okay

"Great! I'm pooped!" Y/N smiled and stood up walking towards the exit

I think Michael caught on to what was happening because he pulled my and Calum aside "you two pull your crap together!" He whisper yelled so Y/N wouldn't hear "honestly I'm fine with either of you being with her but if your going to be at war then try to keep it hidden!"

We were silent for a minute then I looked at Calum and he looked at me then we both looked back at Michael

"I don't know what you're talking about" Calum protested "obviously Y/N likes me" he shrugged "she held my hand on the Ferris wheel"

I gasped slightly then glared at him "oh this IS war" I walked off with a huff

-Back to Y/N's POV-

I guess the guys were meeting fans, because me and Ashton were waiting for what felt like forever when Luke finally walked out of the exit doors he looked a little angry

"You okay?" I asked as he got in

"Yep I'm cool" he grunted and sat down

He's definitely not okay but he doesn't wanna talk about it so I guess I'll leave it alone.

Shortly after that Calum and Michael walked out and got in as well

Michael started the car and backed out of the parking spot.


The entire car ride was silent and awkward and Ashton decided to break the ice by declaring a sleepover at his house "It'll be a party!" He proclaimed

Michael nodded and insisted we all go. Even me.

He drove by everyone's houses and waited at each one while we all packed up our stuff and alerted our parents.

Except me... When I got home my mom was asleep on the couch, so I left her a note saying I was with Michael, that everything was okay and that I'd be back in the morning.

Not that she'd care, she hardly ever even talks to me because once she gets home she just passes out on the couch.

I honestly don't even know why she has her own bedroom anymore.


So I got a little carried away with this chapter 😅 sorry!
But the cute scene with Luke is in the next chapter! Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Xoxo ~Halle

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