The Carnival

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As Michael parked in the packed parking lot we could hear the carnival music playing loudly "I've never been to a carnival before!" I admit excitedly "well let's get some food first" Luke says while helping me out of the car, as I got out I felt eyes on my back but thought nothing of it.

"Corn dogs!" Michael yells while running towards a food truck and we all followed after him

"Oh my god!! It's 5sos!!!" We hear someone scream at the top of their lungs "shoot. Didn't think about that" Calum sighs as Luke and Ashton go to meet the group of girls squealing. Leaving me with Mikey and Calum.

Michael turned around with two corn dogs in hand "want one?" He asks "no thanks" I shake my head slightly and he looks at Calum "sure why not" Calum takes the other corn dog and starts eating

"I wanna go on the Ferris wheel" I smile big like a three year old who just got a puppy

"too the Ferris wheel!!" Mikey walks over to Luke and Ashton to go tell them where we were going to be be and I start towards the Ferris wheel with Calum following close behind

"You don't talk much do you?" I laugh softly and slow my pace so I'm walking next to him

He shakes his head

"You preform in front of millions of girls and you're shy, who would have thought that was possible"

He laughs "well it's different, when preforming you don't have to worry about being judged because obviously they bought tickets to come see you preform"

"Well I won't judge you" I shrug

"But there's always a possibility" he adds on as we get in line

"it's nice having an actual conversation with you" I smile

"I could say the same" he smiles back

"Excuse me, are you Calum Hood?" A voice asks. Calum turns around and nods "yea"

He was a little taken off because when he turned around it was a very masculine man "my daughter loves your band, can I get a picture with you?"

Calum smiles and nods once again "I'd be happy to"

After the picture is taken (by me of course) we find out that he works at the carnival and he skips us to the head of the line

"I wonder what's taking the others so long" I think out loud as I get in the seat to the Ferris wheel

Calum shrugs as it starts up to get the next few people in

-Michael's POV-

"We appreciate all of you guys but we're trying to get to the Ferris wheel" I yell over all the people now crowding us

"We have people waiting for us!" Ashton adds in

"As much as we'd love to meet every single one of you we just can't right now" Luke tries pushing through the crowd as girls tug at our clothes

-Y/N's POV-

As the Ferris wheel actually starts after everyone is securely in we have a beautiful view of the carnival "wow" I say breath taken as I stare out at the people that looked so small

"This is pretty cool" the back of his hand touching mine

I blushed but didn't move, liking the fact that his hand was close to mine, honestly I didn't like him until just now, he just seemed like the quiet one that didn't like me, but I might have a tiny crush on him now

"Y/N?" Calum says, snapping me out of my thoughts "yes?" I ask "you're face is pink" he laughs as I blush harder and turn my head away trying to hide my blush

I then noticed that we were holding hands and my stomach got butterflies and I blushed even harder than ever before

The Ferris wheel came to a stop and we were the first ones to get off, which I won't lie, sucked.

We met up with the others at the hall of mirrors and did other stuff like we mobbed a clown and got hyped up on sugar.

Before we knew it the sun was setting and they had to get back to the stadium


HEYY GUYS! Thank you for reading and stuff! I'm so happy TvT
I love you all so so much!
Hope you like this chapter! And don't worry. A cute scene with Luke is coming up ;)

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