Cuddle Buddy and Parties

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BFF/N = Your best friends name

"What does it mean" I spoke into my phone while fixing my hair in the bathroom

"It must mean you have feelings for Calum" my friend BFF/N

"But that can't be right, I like Luke" I defended

"Oooooh you got yourself a love triangle" she giggled

"no no no!" I set my hairbrush down and readied my toothbrush

"Well you have to choose one of them"

"I've already chosen Luke!" A ran my toothbrush under the water

"Are you sure about that?"

I paused and looked at myself in the mirror

"No..." I brushed my teeth occasionally spitting

"Give it time, you'll know what to do"

"Alright thanks"

"Hey I have to go to the store, I'll text you later" she then hung up without letting me say another word.

Later that night I tossed and turned thinking of how I'm supposed to choose

"I don't want to hurt their feelings"

"What if the other never forgives me?"

The questions just kept rolling through my mind, I hadn't even noticed Calum standing in the door way

Why was he in my house? I don't even know... Creepy but relieving in a way.

I sat up, slightly startled by his presence

"Sorry I kinda broke in-- well-- you left your front door unlocked, so yeah..."

I nodded, mentally shaming myself, he could have been some robber or murderer breaking in and I just left the door unlocked

"What do you want?" I asked, it came out more demanding than how I wanted it to sound but I'm tired and he knows that

"Remember that one night about a month ago when I couldn't sleep and you let me cuddle you?" He asked, shyly looking at the ground

I nodded "yeah what about it?"

I already knew where this was going but I acted clueless just for the heck of it

"I um... Couldn't sleep..." He blushed slightly

I giggled and blushed as well and nodded once more "alright"

He smiled and crawled up next to me


He wrapped his big muscular arm over me and tangled our legs together

This helped me to get my problems off my mind

And just as I was about to fall asleep,

I felt something poking my side

My face went dark red


"Hm?" He hummed half asleep

"You're um... Kind of like..." My face got redder and redder

"Oh shoot" he then sat up, it being his turn to blush

"So so sorry!" He nervously laughed

"It's alright... But um, why?" I asked as if I had no idea why he just got a boner while cuddling me

"I was uh-- thinking of Miley Cyrus" he lied

I knew he was lying, but I went along with it.

"Okie dokie..." I then rolled over and awaiting him to return to cuddling

After about a minute he laid back down and once again took big spoon

We stayed like that for a few minutes then he slid his hand from my rib cage to my hip, half of his hand under my shirt

I started to get a little uncomfortable but decided to leave it be unless it got any further

Luckily it didn't, as I fell asleep.

I woke up to air horns and confetti flying everywhere

"What the heck?" I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see my mom, Lilly and all the boys surrounding my bed

My mom holding a cake in her hands

I had totally forgotten my birthday was today

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the all shouted together and threw more confetti

I yawned and smiled, then froze as I realized Luke was the only one that didn't yell happy birthday, as he was too busy giving me and Calum a death glare

Calum was shirtless on the other side of the room, basically as far away from me as he could get

So I was quite confused as to how he was giving us both a death glare at the same time

"Thanks" I cheered and stood up and hugged each of them

I then walked over to Luke and cautiously hugged him

"Are you alright?" I whispered

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug

"Sure what's wrong?"

"Alone..." He looked around at everyone staring at us

"Oh um, okay" I grabbed his hand and walked out into the living room

"When I got here you were in bed with Calum..." He started

"Oh- that-- he just came over because he couldn't sleep so we just cuddled, I swear nothing happened" I said calmly

"I don't want him touching you" he mumbled, tightening his grip on my wrists making me whimper

"Sorry" he said and let go

"It's alright... I'm sorry as well, I didn't know it was an issue"

He kissed my forehead as everyone piled through the living room and into the dining room for cake

The day went on with party games and movies

And then everyone left around dinner, as my mom got ready to take the night shift.

Because she took the day off she has to work tonight, which sucks but it's okay...

"Hey mom, I'm thinking about getting a job, so that way I can help with the bills and stuff and you don't have to work as much" I said as she walked out of the bathroom

"Sounds great (Nickname). See you later" she kissed my cheek and walked out the door in a rush

I sighed as I knew she wasn't paying any attention to what I said.

Tough Choices (Calum x Reader x Luke)Where stories live. Discover now