Jobs and Parties

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I woke up early the next morning, and by early, I mean way early.


I normally don't even wake up this early for school, then at the thought of school I sighed, knowing I still had to apply to a collage.

I got dressed in some casual clothes, and called a taxi to come pick me up

I had a job audition for a barista at Starbucks

I went in and handed them my resumé and they sent me on my way and said that they would call me if I got the job

I smiled and walked out and checked my phone

Luke had texted me fifteen minutes ago

I don't remember even feeling my phone vibrate but okay

L: hey what's up gorgeous?

I smiled at this random text

Y: nothing much. Just applied for a job a few minutes ago
L: if you need a job you can work for the band
Y: lol! No thanks you'd just pay me to sit and do nothing! I want to earn my money
L: fiiine
Y: I'm heading back home, do you need me for something?
L: well the guys and I are throwing a party tonight because we're going on tour in a few weeks
Y: that's great! Are you inviting me or informing me?
L: I'm inviting you duh! :-P
Y: okie dokie! Where's it at?
L: My house
Y: ooooh~ I've never been to your house before
L: ;-)

I turned my phone off and climbed out of the taxi and went inside

(I'm pretty sure they call it a cab in the UK but whatever. Correct me if I'm wrong)

I showered and got dressed, pulled my hair up in a messy bun(unless you have short hair)and did my makeup

I then went over to Michael's place, and he drove us to Luke's house and the party was crazy

Music was booming and people were all over the place

I could have swore I saw Ed Sheeran but I played it off as I saw nothing

Luke greeted me, I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned down and pecked my lips

"Want something to drink?" He asked

"Um... Sure" I said hesitantly

Bad mistake

Don't drink alcohol kids, I'll tell you why;

After one drink I asked for another, and another, and another. Until I was so drunk I couldn't walk straight

Luke left to go to the bathroom and Calum took this opportunity to walk up to me and ask me to dance with him

I nodded and he danced next to me

Seeing as there was no dance floor, as it was just a house

Then a calmer song came on, not a slow song, just a calm one.

But me being out of my mind I wrapped my arms around his neck

And he placed his hands on sides as we danced to our own music

-Calum's POV-

As we danced I could smell how much she had been drinking, I won't lie I've had a few shots as well but not nearly as much as her

I saw Luke walk out from a hall way and tried to back up from Y/N but someone behind me pushed me forward and I ended up closer to her than I was a minute ago

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Luke glaring and walking towards us

I knew I'd never get this chance again

I leaned forward and kissed her

Deeply and passionately

I wasn't surprised when she kissed back

I pulled back and smiled

The next thing that happened I can barley remember

Y/N gasped as a felt a fist collide with the side of my head and it all went black

"Calum!" Was the last thing I heard

I woke up in my own bed, my head throbbing

I saw my mum sitting across from me on the edge of my bed

"Finally you're awake" she smiled and hugged me

"What happened?" I asked

"Apparently you went kissing Luke's girlfriend and he punched you" she said while giving me a disappointed look only a mother can give


"I raised you better than that Calum" she sighed and started to walk out
"Oh and your phone has been going off" she then walked out closing the door behind her

I looked at my phone and saw a bunch of texts from Ashton and Michael

A: bro you alright?
M: Cal what happened? Luke won't talk to us
A: Calum are you dead?

Then one text stood out

Unknown number: hey cal, it's me Y/N sorry about last night... Are you okay?

I smiled, really not caring how she got my number

C: yeah I'm alright

I completely ignored Michael and Ashton's messages.

Tough Choices (Calum x Reader x Luke)Where stories live. Discover now