Days off and music store run-ins

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-chapter takes place about a month after the sleep over-

-Y/N's POV-

"Y/N I'm home!" My moms voice echoes through the house as she walked in.

She scared the ever living life out of me

"But it's so early!" I said in surprise and hugged her

"Since I've been working so late my boss gave me a day off to spend with the family- and since your dad is... Well... I don't know... I get to spend the day with you!" Her toned changed about three different times

"That's wonderful! I actually had plans to hang out with Michael and his band mates but I can cancel" I smiled and pulled my phone out before she could respond

"If you have stuff to do I can just have some alone ti-"

"Just texted him saying I won't make it" I cut her off and smiled softly

"Well okay then" she laughed

"So where are we going?" I asked

"Does the mall sound okay?"

"Oh my gosh yes!" I squealed

"Then go get dressed" she said gesturing to my pajamas

"Okay" I walked to my room closing the door behind me

As I started changing my phone went off

M: what do you mean you're not gunna make it??

I sighed and texted him back

Y: My mom got off of work today so I'm spending the day with her at the mall
M: oh okay.
M: also Luke was asking for your number, is it okay if I give it to him?
Y: hm... Yea sure that's fine

Two minutes later my phone goes off again
L: hey is Luke!
Y: hi. sorry you had to get my number from Michael, It never crossed my mind to give you my number lol
L: it's okay :-)
Y: well I have to go to the mall with my mom now bye
L: bye

I walked downstairs with my purse
"All ready"

Once we got to the mall my mom took me past the music store "pick any two albums and I'll buy them for you" she said while digging through her purse

I laughed as she treated me like a three year old

I won't blame her though, it's been awhile since we've had a 'mother daughter day'

I skimmed through the shelves and found (Fav album that's not 5sos)

After not being able to find a second album that interested me I walked to the front as my mom followed behind me

Then ours of the corner of my eye I saw in big letters
5 seconds of summer

I turned my head and saw their self labeled album

I shrugged and grabbed it off the rack

"Is that all?" The girl at the counter asked as I set my things down


She sighed heavily as she picked up the 5sos album

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"No it's just I used to know one of the guys in this band"

I made sure to look at her name tag

Lilly what a pretty name

"Oh which one?" I asked

"This one" she pointed to Michael on the album cover

"Oh funny! He's my cousin!"

Her face lit up "really?" She asked

"Yes!" I smiled

"That's wonderful!" She clapped her hands

"Im sure if he used to know you he wouldn't mind if I told him a saw you" I took out my phone

"No I'm sure won't want to talk to me" her face saddened again

"Oh... Alright... Mind if I ask why?"

"A few years back he dated me in school... Then he got famous and broke up with me because he thought I couldn't handle a long distance relationship" she huffed

I had completely forgotten about my mom standing behind me

"Please hurry up Y/N" she sighed

"I have a lunch break later if you want to hang out in the food court" Lilly suggested

"Well I'm spending the day with my mom. Maybe tomorrow" I suggested

"Alrighty" she smiled and handed me my things as my mom handed her the money

We said our goodbyes and walked out

"Well that was a lovely run in" my mother smiled


We wandered the mall for awhile until the sun started setting

We got back home "thanks mom" I thanked her as I went to my room feeling tired

Though I decided to text Michael about the girl at the music shop

Y: hey Mikey I ran into a nice girl at the mall
M: oh really?
Y: yea her name was Lilly, she said she used to know you?
M: ...
Y: Mikey?
M: what did she look like?
Y: she had brown curly hair to about her shoulders, dark brown eyes that looked black and her skin was dark, not black, but highly toned.
M: ...
Y: ?
M: yea... I dated her a few years ago... But I broke up with her... I miss her though... How's she doing?
Y: well she looked fine but I only talked to her for like five minutes. I'm going to get lunch with her tomorrow
M: cool. Anyways, I've had a long day in gunna get to bed
Y: same, ttyl
M: bye

- Luke's POV -

"SHES STILL ALIVE" I head Michael yell

We were spending the night at Michael's because he insisted

"What? Who?" Ashton asked as Michael came in smiling



Calum laughed softly "oh shoot- the ex"

"Shut up Calum. I'm gunna try to use Y/N as an excuse to see her!" He smiled

"Yeah good luck with that" I scoffed

"It'll work. I just know it" he mumbled and walked back to his room

Okie dokie so this chapter was a filler, but it's also kinda long I guess.

Thanks for reading

Xoxo ~Halle

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